Lesson 2
We will begin planning the Culminating Task essay.
Lesson Goals
Can I take necessary action to prepare for writing the CulminatingTask, including reviewing and organizing the materials collected throughout this unit?
Can I identify task expectations and develop a plan appropriate for accomplishing the established outcomes?
Can I develop and clearly communicate meaningful and defensible claims in response to the Culminating Task that represent valid, evidence-based analysis of Bissinger’s perspective and Friday Night Lights?
There are no texts for this Lesson.Materials
Reference Guides
- Avoiding Plagiarism Reference Guide
- Claims Reference Guide
- Connecting Ideas Reference Guide
- Conventions Reference Guide
- Integrating Quotations Reference Guide
- Organization Reference Guide
- Style Reference Guide
Editable Google Docs
Activity 1: Discuss
We will share and discuss our initial thinking regarding how we will respond to the Culminating Task.
With your small group, share your ideas to help make decisions about your essay’s focus.
Activity 2: Discuss
We will discuss our progress in planning and prewriting. We will also preview the next steps in the writing process.
As a class, take turns discussing the progress of planning and prewriting for responses to the Culminating Task. Ask and answer questions that might have arisen throughout the process of planning and prewriting.
Discuss the next step, drafting, in the writing process.
Activity 3: Write
We will begin drafting our support paragraphs.
Individually, begin planning and drafting your controlling idea and support paragraphs. Do not yet worry about your conclusion and introduction as those should come last. Use your Note-Taking Tools and all preparatory notes. Consult with an elbow partner as needed to work through and discuss your ideas and approaches.
Finish drafting the support paragraphs of your essay and be ready to share and receive feedback in a peer review in the next lesson.