Lesson 5
We will work on revising and editing the Culminating Task essay.
Lesson Goals
Can I use language and strategies to accomplish my intended purpose in communicating?
Can I apply correct and effective syntax, usage, mechanics, and spelling to communicate ideas and achieve intended purposes?
- The Warmth of Other Suns, Isabel Wilkerson, Vintage Books, 2010
Reference Guides
- Avoiding Plagiarism Reference Guide
- Claims Reference Guide
- Connecting Ideas Reference Guide
- Conventions Reference Guide
- Integrating Quotations Reference Guide
- Organization Reference Guide
- Style Reference Guide
Editable Google Docs
Activity 1: Read – Discuss
We will engage in a peer review of our sentence variety, sentence structure, and conventions to help us strengthen and revise our essays.
Trade drafts with a partner.
Review and discuss your observations about your partner’s use of sentences and conventions. Discuss with your partner the new technique you selected.
After the review activity, participate in a whole-class debrief to share insights and observations.
Activity 2: Write
We will revise our essays, using peer feedback to guide their refinement.
Individually, continue revising your essay based on peer feedback from the previous lesson. Use your Note-Taking Tools and all preparatory notes. Consult with an elbow partner as needed to work through and discuss your ideas and approaches.
Activity 3: Write
For homework, finish revising your essay based on peer review feedback.
For homework, finish revising your essay based on peer review feedback. Be ready to submit your final, revised essay in the next lesson.