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Lesson 7

We will reflect on our work and process, submit our research materials for feedback and formative assessment, and prepare for the next section of the unit, in which we begin collecting sources.

Lesson Goals

Reading and Knowledge

  • Conduct Research: How well do I approach subjects that interest me from a researched perspective, using well-crafted questions and drawing on multiple sources to learn new information?
  • Question: How well do I follow my curiosity to generate questions that help me move more deeply into my research?

Writing and Speaking

  • Generate Ideas: How well do I generate ideas, positions, and solutions to problems?
  • Develop Ideas: How well do I formulate questions and lines of inquiry that lead me to deepen my knowledge of important themes?
  • Collaborate: In my research team, how well do I brainstorm creatively, present my thoughts clearly, and listen to my peers’ perspectives to generate new ideas?
  • Communicate Effectively: How well do I write a clear, precise statement that communicates my team’s inquiry question or problem and its relevance to our learning community?


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Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Write

We will review and self-assess the materials we’ve created so far and get ready to submit them for the Section Diagnostic.

In teams, confirm that all the research materials are finalized and ready to be assessed:

  • your final Exploring a Topic Tool with your team’s refined potential area of investigation

  • the Central Research Question Checklist for your refined Central Research Question

  • your Inquiry questions

  • three to six Potential Sources Tools for your most relevant and credible sources thus far

  • your individual reflections

Individually, reflect on your inquiry experience so far by writing a response to the following questions:

  1. Which ideas, themes, topics, or questions that have come up as you began your research are most interesting? Why?

  2. What aspects of this process confuse, challenge, or frustrate you most?

  3. What parts of the process are you most excited about?

  4. What parts of the process are you least excited about, and what would make those aspects more interesting for you?

  5. How can your teacher or the members of your research team help me in your work?

  6. What are the most valuable steps that you can take next in your research?

Gather all the components and reflections for submission.

Activity 2: Write

We will submit our team’s research materials to be assessed.

In order to receive formative feedback and assessment on your research materials to help guide your continued research toward the Culminating Task, you will submit your team’s beginning research portfolio, ensuring it includes the following items:

  • the final Exploring a Topic Tool with your team’s refined potential area of investigation

  • the Central Research Question Checklist for your refined Central Research Question inquiry questions

  • three to six Potential Sources Tools for your most relevant and credible sources thus far

  • individual reflections

If you are confused about any aspect of the inquiry process, now is the time to get help and support. Ask your teacher to explain and review any parts of the process that feel frustrating to you. Turn to your teacher, the members of your research team, friends and family, librarians and media specialists, other teachers at your school, or anyone else you can think of who can help you get creative about the inquiry process, find the aspects that excite you, and brainstorm new approaches.

Activity 3: Write – Discuss

We will reflect on the Section Diagnostic.

Choose at least three of the questions below and respond to them in your Learning Log:

  1. How well did you take necessary action to prepare for the task?

  2. What went well for you during the completion of this task?

  3. What did you struggle with during the completion of this task? How did you push through that struggle?

  4. How well did you actively focus your attention during this independent task?

  5. How well did you develop and use an effective and efficient process to maintain workflow during this task?

  6. What would you do differently during the next Section Diagnostic?

Think about all you have learned and done during this section of the unit. Evaluate your skills and knowledge to determine how prepared you are for the Culminating Task.

  • Add or refine any skills and content knowledge required for the Culminating Task.

  • Evaluate how well you are mastering skills and knowledge required for the Culminating Task.