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Lesson 6

Revise Research Frame Tool

We will finalize the Research Frame Tool, organize our work so far, and establish the next steps to take in our investigation.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I evaluate and revise my own work to strengthen my claims and more precisely address my inquiry question or research problem?


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Question Sets

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Activity 1: Read – Discuss – Write

We will revise our team’s Research Frame Tool to organize our research in the most effective way possible.

With your team, read through the three claim paragraphs you wrote in the last lesson.

Based on the information, tools, and resources you have compiled so far, list inquiry paths to help you yield information about your inquiry questions and claims.

As a team, again revise your Research Frame Tool to reflect new information and questions that have emerged from your research thus far. If it is more efficient or easier to read, start with a blank copy of the tool or compose it on paper or electronically.

Given what you know now, what new questions does your team have? Are there new lines of inquiry that need to be addressed to develop a comprehensive understanding of your research question?

Activity 2: Read – Discuss

Using our Research Frame Tools and looking through our research portfolios, we will assess our central research questions.

With your team, respond to the following questions:

  1. Which key questions connected to your inquiry questions or research problem still need to be researched, refined, or explored?

  2. Which inquiry questions or paths can you discard?

Activity 3: Read – Discuss

We will use the Research Evaluation Checklist in order to begin reflecting on the quality of our research and revising our Research Frame Tools.

As before, we will work as a team to evaluate our research process using our completed Research Frame Tool and the Research Evaluation Checklist, reflecting on the following questions:

  1. Is there a clear link between your current Central Research Question and your inquiry paths?

  2. Do the claims you make in the Organizing Evidence Tools for each inquiry path clearly connect to and help answer your Central Research Question?

  3. Do the questions in your inquiry path relate to your Central Research Question?

  4. Are your sources credible, rich, and relevant to your inquiry paths?

Activity 4: Discuss

We will continue to build our presentation skills by assessing another sample presentation and providing suggestions for improvement, with particular focus on use of language to meet the needs of the audience, purpose, and occasion. We will also set personal presentation goals on which to focus during our upcoming presentations.

Step 1

Review the list of characteristics of effective presentations that the class co-constructed in the previous section of the unit. Consider whether any additions or changes need to be made, and share those with the whole group.

Step 2

Create a new entry in your Learning Log. View the videos displayed by your teacher, taking notes with regard to the use of language skills listed on the characteristics of effective presentations list.

Step 3

Participate in a whole-group discussion in which you share your observations and assessment about the speaker’s use of language as well as offer suggestions for how to improve if needed or how you might learn from this speaker.

Back in your Learning Log, write a brief entry to set your speaking goal for this next presentation. This time, choose one of the language use skills and explain how you will work on improving this aspect during your presentation and why you chose it.

Activity 5: Read – Discuss

We will prepare to present our research by reviewing the Peer Review Tool and assigning roles for the presentation.

We will present our research progress during the next lesson using the criteria in the checklist as a guide.

To help prepare, review the Peer Review Tool to confirm what and how you will present.

Review and refine, as needed, the following materials, which you will use to help you present:

  • Revised Research Frame Tool

  • Potential Source Tools for your key sources

  • Forming Evidence-Based Claims Tools for each inquiry path

  • Organizing Evidence Tools for your claims for each inquiry path

Assign specific roles for each team member to present your research to another team. Consult the Presentation Structure section in the Presentation Guide to help your team assign roles and begin thinking about your roles for the final presentation.

As you plan for the presentation, consider and make any additional revisions to the Research Frame Tool that seem necessary as a result of your further thinking.