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Lesson 5

We will reflect on our work and process, submit our finalized research materials for feedback and formative assessment, and prepare for the next section of the unit, in which we create and deliver our presentation.

Lesson Goals

Reading and Knowledge

  • Conduct Research*: How well do we effectively search for and explore a variety of credible sources to answer a question or solve a problem, using an organized and dynamic process of inquiry? How well do we use advanced search techniques (in print and online) effectively to find adequate and sufficient sources? How well do we assess sources for credibility, relevance, and richness and ensure a range of perspectives? How well do we cite our sources properly and avoid plagiarism?*The Research Evaluation Checklist provides more detailed assessment of this goal.
  • Gather and Organize Evidence: How well do I gather and organize relevant and sufficient evidence to demonstrate a deepening understanding of texts and topics, to support claims, and to develop ideas?
  • Refine and Revise: How well do I revisit, refine, and revise my understanding, knowledge, and work based on discussions with others and feedback and review by myself and others?
  • Compare and Connect: How well do I synthesize information from different sources, compare and contrast it, and understand my Central Research Question from a broad, researched perspective?


  • Form Claims: How well do I use sources I’ve collected to form strong, credible claims based on clear textual evidence?
  • Organize Work: How well do I take meaningful notes that inform my further research, my writing about my inquiry question, and my team’s final presentation?

Speaking and Listening

  • Collaborate: How well do I collaborate with my team to assess, revise and strengthen our research plan?


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Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Read – Discuss – Write

We will review and self-assess our research materials prior to submitting them for the Section Diagnostic.

Begin your team meeting by checking in with one another and confirming that all the research materials are finalized and ready for assessment:

  • revised Research Frame Tool

  • revised Potential Sources Tools

  • annotated key and other sources

  • Research Note-Taking Tool

  • Forming Evidence-Based Claims Tools (and any notes)

  • Organizing Evidence Tools

  • three claims about your inquiry questions or research problem

  • presentation invitations (individual)

Individually, review and self-assess your team’s finalized research materials by completing all sections on the Research Evaluation Checklist.

Gather all the components and the completed self-assessments for submission.

Activity 2: Write

We will submit our team’s research materials to be assessed.

In order to receive formative feedback and assessment on your research materials to help ensure you are prepared to begin creating your presentation for the Culminating Task, you will submit your team’s final, revised research portfolio, ensuring it includes the following items:

  • revised Research Frame Tool

  • revised Potential Sources Tools

  • annotated key and other sources

  • any new Research Note-Taking Tools not already submitted

  • Forming Evidence-Based Claims Tools (and any notes)

  • Organizing Evidence Tools

  • revised inquiry question paragraphs

  • presentation invitations (individual)

  • Research Evaluation Checklists

Activity 3: Write – Discuss

We will reflect on the Section Diagnostic.

Choose at least three of the questions below and respond to them in your Learning Log:

  1. How well did you take necessary action to prepare for the task?

  2. What went well for you during the completion of this task?

  3. What did you struggle with during the completion of this task? How did you push through that struggle?

  4. How well did you actively focus your attention during this independent task?

  5. How well did you develop and use an effective and efficient process to maintain workflow during this task?

  6. What would you do differently during the next Section Diagnostic?

Think about all you have learned and done during this section of the unit. In your Learning Log, evaluate your skills and knowledge to determine how prepared you are for the Culminating Task.

  • Add or refine any skills and content knowledge required for the Culminating Task.

  • Evaluate how well you are mastering skills and knowledge required for the Culminating Task.

Activity 4: Read – Write

For homework, we will review our research portfolios and write a paragraph reflecting on how our understanding has deepened.

For homework, read the Application Unit Presentation Guide for specific details about the presentation you and your team will create and present in the final section of the unit. In your Learning Log, write down questions, concerns, and ideas as you read, and be prepared to share your ideas in the next lesson.

Look over all of the materials in your research portfolio.

Write a paragraph or more reflecting on how your understanding of your inquiry question has deepened. Envision or imagine your ideal presentation at the end of this project. Respond to the following question:

  1. What would you like your audience to learn?