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Lesson 5

Revise and Practice Presentation

We will continue to revise our drafts of the written components of our presentation by collaborating with our team to refine and strengthen our presentation materials. We will also practice the revised presentation in our teams to inform further possible revisions.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I synthesize varied information from multiple sources into a coherent statement to present to our audience?

  • Can I use language and strategies to accomplish my intended purpose in communicating?

  • Can I revisit, refine, and revise my understanding, knowledge, and work based on discussions with others and feedback and review by myself and others?


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Activity 1: Write – Discuss

We will continue to revise the written components for our presentation. Our teacher will conference with us, answering questions and advising us as we work.

Independently, continue to revise the written components for your assigned role based on the feedback you received from your team members and your discussion during the previous lesson.

Also use the details from the Presentation Written Components section of the Application Unit Presentation Guide and the Culminating Task Checklist to guide and inform your revisions. Refer to the Presentation Creation Process section of the Application Unit Presentation Guide for more revision strategies and suggestions.

Consult with your team members as you revise, and note any questions or concerns to discuss with your teacher during conferences.

Activity 2: Present – Read

We will practice our presentations in our teams, and we will review and plan for needed revisions.

Begin your team meeting by checking in with one another about how the revising is going and about any challenges that have arisen.

Review the Presentation Structure section of the Application Unit Presentation Guide so you are clear about the expectations of the presentation, and use that structure for your practice session. You will use this same structure in the next lesson for the rehearsal with another team.

Informally practice your presentation aloud within your team: Read aloud all components of the presentation at least once and keep track of the time.

As you listen to your team members read their sections, use the Presentation Creation Process, Presentation Structure, and Presentation Written Components sections of the Application Unit Presentation Guide to guide your thinking and discussion about thefollowing:

  • Accuracy: Are your claims and information accurate? Do you cite sources and use relevant quotations to support the information you provide in your claims?

  • Tone: Does your presentation have a tone (e.g., academic, curious, compelling, direct, humorous, clear) that will be effective, considering your purpose and audience?

  • Organization: Does your presentation flow naturally? Would it make sense to move information around or present it in a different order?

  • Clarity: Is your presentation clear? Are you redundant, or does each person say something new and meaningful? Do you leave out information or create gaps and confusion for the reader?

  • Visuals: Do you use any charts, graphs, graphics, or pictures? Do you explain them?

  • Time: Do you need to adjust your presentation or reading speed to make it clearer for the audience and fit into the time allotted?

Also be sure to reference the Culminating Task Checklist to guide any additional needed revisions. You might also consider the following:

  • Rephrase any language that isn’t clear, powerful, or precise enough to communicate your points to your audience.

  • Edit sections of the presentation that are too long, making them more concise.

  • Lengthen sections that are too short, helping whichever team member is in charge of the section choose the richest, most relevant materials to add.

  • Correct and adjust grammar to strengthen the spoken delivery.

Finally, create a task list for any additional needed revisions.

Activity 3: Discuss

We will conference with our teacher to get feedback and ask questions as we plan, draft, and revise our presentations.

While you work during this lesson, your teacher will conference with teams about your plan, drafts, and revisions. Your teacher will also clarify any questions your team might have and will use the Culminating Task Checklist to help you refine your presentation.

As explained in the Presentation Process section of the Application Unit Presentation Guide, decide as a team what you would like to accomplish during your conference and set an agenda that allows you to get the specific feedback you need to keep moving forward.

Activity 4: Write

For homework, each member of our team will finish revising the written components for their assigned role to be prepared for the rehearsal in the next lesson.

Independently, finish revising the written components for your assigned role. Refer to the Presentation Written Components section of the Application Unit Presentation Guide for specific details about each of the required written components and refer to the criteria listed in the Culminating Task Checklist to guide your thinking and writing.

Ensure that all needed revisions are made and that your team is ready to rehearse with another research team in the next lesson. Review the Presentation Structure section of the Application Unit Presentation Guide so you are clear about the expectations of the rehearsal.