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The Book of Unknown AmericansCulminating Task

Central Question

How does perspective shape our understanding of events?

How do authors use literary elements and narrative techniques to engage readers and convey themes?

Rewrite a vignette from The Book of Unknown Americans from the perspective of another character from the book. Consider plot, conflict, setting, character traits, theme, structure, and point of view.

In your vignette, be sure to do the following:

  • Engage and orient the reader by introducing the setting and establishing a point of view.

  • Establish a story structure and convey the conflicts faced by the characters.

  • Use details and narrative techniques to develop believable characters.

  • Use precise words and phrases and sensory language to convey a vivid picture of the experiences and events.

  • Provide a conclusion that reflects on the events portrayed.

  • Convey an implied theme of the story.