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Lesson 6

We will respond to Part 2 of the Section 3 Diagnostic. Using an event in “My Mother Never Worked” as a springboard, write an imagined conversation between Bonnie Smith-Yackel and her mother, using dialogue to develop the characters.

Lesson Goals

Reading and Knowledge

  • Attend to Details: How well do I recognize and interpret language and sentence elements and structures to deepen my understanding of texts?
  • Analyze Relationships: How well do I recognize and interpret important relationships among key details and ideas (characters, setting, tone, point of view, structure, development, etc.) within texts?
  • Determine Meaning and Purpose: How well do I use connections among details, elements, and effects to make logical deductions about an author’s perspective, purpose, and meaning in texts?
  • Gather and Organize Evidence: How well do I gather and organize relevant and sufficient evidence to demonstrate an understanding of texts and topics, support claims, and develop ideas?


  • Form Claims: How well do I develop and clearly communicate meaningful and defensible claims that represent valid, evidence-based analysis?
  • Develop Ideas: How well do I use devices, techniques, descriptions, reasoning, evidence, and visual elements to support and elaborate on coherent and logical narratives, explanations, and arguments?
  • Organize Ideas: How well do I sequence and group sentences and paragraphs and use devices, techniques, descriptions, reasoning, evidence, and visual elements to establish coherent, logical, and well-developed explanations?
  • Use Conventions and Produce Clear Writing: How well do I apply correct and effective syntax, usage, mechanics, and spelling to communicate ideas and achieve intended purposes?



  • Unit Reader
    • “My Mother Never Worked,” Bonnie Smith-Yackel, Women: A Journal of Liberation, 1975



Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Read – Write

We will identify an event explained in “My Mother Never Worked” to use as a springboard for narrative writing.

Review the memoir essay, "My Mother Never Worked." Choose one event Smith-Yackel shared in her essay (e.g., working in the fields, losing a child, living in a wheelchair, etc.). Imagine a conversation between Bonnie Smith-Yackel and her mother, Martha Jarabek Smith, about the event you identified. In your Learning Log, write down three ideas you believe Mrs. Smith would share with her daughter. Respond to the following questions:

  1. What are some characteristics of Mrs. Smith that you can identify from the memoir?

  2. What are some characteristics of Bonnie Smith-Yackel?

  3. How will you incorporate these character traits into your narrative?

  4. How will you use dialogue to convey these character traits?

  5. How will you use structure to frame their conversation?

Activity 2: Write

We will apply our knowledge of text structure and dialogue by writing an original narrative paragraph, using “My Mother Never Worked” as a springboard.

Using an event in "My Mother Never Worked" as a springboard, write an imagined conversation between Bonnie Smith-Yackel and her mother, using dialogue to develop the characters. The conversation should take place when her mother was alive. Ensure that your writing has opening and concluding sentences that frame the narrative.

Activity 3: Present – Discuss – Write

We will share our writing with our groups.

Share your narrative with your group. Ask for feedback on how you might improve the effectiveness of characterization or dialogue in your draft. Make revisions accordingly.

Activity 4: Write

We will reflect on our work on the Section Diagnostic and assess our progress toward the Culminating Task.

Step 1

Choose at least three of the questions below and respond to them in your Learning Log:

  1. How well did you take necessary action to prepare for the task?

  2. What went well for you during the completion of this task?

  3. What did you struggle with during the completion of this task? How did you push through that struggle?

  4. How well did you actively focus your attention during this independent task?

  5. How well did you develop and use an effective and efficient process to maintain workflow during this task?

  6. What would you do differently during the next Section Diagnostic?

Review your Culminating Task Progress Tracker. Think about all you have learned and done during this section of the unit. Evaluate your skills and knowledge to determine your progress on the Culminating Task.

Step 2

Review the Central Question of the unit:

How does perspective shape our understanding of events?

Use the following questions to guide a discussion with a partner or small group:

  1. What new knowledge do you have in relation to the Central Question?

  2. What are you still curious about in relation to the Central Question?

  3. What is the relationship between the question and the texts you have read so far? How do the texts shed light on the question? How does the question help you understand the texts?

  4. How has your response to the question evolved, deepened, or changed?

In your Learning Log, write your response to Question 3. You will return to this response in later lessons to examine how your understanding of the Central Question has evolved.