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Section 3: Section Diagnostic

Choose from one of the subtopics below related to food systems and production:

  • Option 1 — Food Technology: Are new technologies, such as indoor urban agriculture and vertical farming, viable solutions to sustaining the global food system? If so, why? If not, what might serve as alternative solutions?

  • Option 2 — Agricultural Practices: Is industrial agriculture a sustainable means of feeding the world? If so, why? If not, what might some alternative solutions be?

  • Option 3 — Local Food Systems: Is regionalization a viable alternative to a globalized food system? If so, why? If not, what role, if any, should local food factor in?

Based on your reading and analysis, delineate your own argument—one that establishes and supports a position about how to address critical challenges within our food system.

Use the Section 3 Delineating Arguments Tool to outline a plan for your proposed argument. Present your proposed argument to your team for peer review. Use feedback from your peers to revise elements of your argument on the reflection section of the tool before submitting it to your teacher for review.

In your presentation to your peers, be sure to do the following:

  • Take a position and express a clear evidence-based claim related to the question.

  • Justify your position by explaining what factors have influenced your perspective.

  • Anticipate an opposing perspective and develop a counterclaim to address it.

  • Cite credible sources that you intend to use to develop and support your position.

  • Identify your purpose for developing the argument and your target audience.