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Section 2: Texts


  • Tradebook
    • Animal Farm, George Orwell, Signet Classics, 2004
  • Digital Access
    • “Joseph Stalin Explained in 25 Minutes — Best Stalin Documentary,” The Life Guide, YouTube, 2021
    • “Joseph Stalin — Dictator,” Biography, YouTube, 2012
    • “The Revolution That Shaped Russia — National Geographic,” National Geographic, YouTube, 2017
  • Unit Reader
    • Afterword to Animal Farm from Signet Classics 75th Anniversary Edition, Russell Baker, Signet Classics, 1954
    • Excerpts from “Why I Write,” George Orwell, The Orwell Foundation, 1946
    • Introduction to 1954 edition of Animal Farm, C. M. Woodhouse, Signet Classics, 1954
    • “What Is Totalitarianism? Definition and Examples,” Robert Longley, ThoughtCo, 2022