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Section 3: Section Diagnostic

For the Section 3 Diagnostic, you will submit a portfolio of work that showcases your understanding of how Orwell’s allegory has been and might be interpreted and visualized.

Portfolio Questions

  • How does Natalia Bragaru’s interpretation of Orwell’s allegory align with, contradict, or expand your own developing interpretation of the allegory? (Lesson 3)

  • How have visual artists communicated their interpretations of Animal Farm? Which interpretations do you find most relevant or compelling? (Lesson 4)

  • How do you interpret the meaning of Orwell’s allegory in light of your examination of:

  1. its symbolic plot and a key character’s development (Section 1)?

  2. its historical context (Section 2)?

  3. graphic interpretations by illustrators and movie makers (Section 3)?

    • How does your book cover or movie poster communicate your interpretation of Orwell’s allegory, its themes and commentary, and your character (Lessons 5 and 6)?

Section 3 Diagnostic Portfolio

Your portfolio should include the following:

  1. Your explanation of an evidence-based claim (short response) comparing Bragaru’s and your interpretations of Orwell’s allegory (Portfolio Question 1, Lesson 3).

  2. Your explanation of an evidence-based claim about an interesting visual interpretation of the story and how it aligns with your own interpretation of the allegory (Portfolio Question 2, Lesson 4)

  3. Your Cover Design Proposal in which you communicate your interpretation of the allegory and your character’s symbolic role and explain your proposed design for an original book cover (Portfolio Questions 3 and 4, Lessons 5)

  4. A Cover Design Mockup of your book cover that includes one or more selected or created image(s) of your character, a graphic representation of the book’s title and author’s name, and informational copy to accompany the graphic elements of your design (Portfolio Question 4, Lesson 6) (See the Cover Design Brief for more instructions).

  5. Your self-assessment using the Section 3 Diagnostic Cover Design Feedback Form to make a list of constructive ideas for improving your design that have emerged from your review. You will also submit the feedback form done for you by your review partner.

Section 3 Diagnostic Guiding Questions

Use the following questions to help you evaluate and prepare your portfolio of evidence: