Lesson 7 Put Together Flat Shapes
Let’s build a new shape from smaller shapes.
Warm-up Notice and Wonder: Dogs
What do you notice?
What do you wonder?

Activity 1 Build with Pattern Blocks
Use pattern blocks to fill the outline in different ways. Each time, record how you filled in the shape with pictures, numbers, or words.
Activity 2 Shape Pictures

Build something using the pattern blocks.
Trace what you made and record how many pattern blocks you used.
Make the same object you just made, using different pattern blocks.
Record how many pattern blocks you used.
If you have time… Build the same object again, using the most pattern blocks you can.
Record how many pattern blocks you used.
Activity 3 Introduce Picture Books: Find Shapes
We are going to look for shapes in picture books. Talk to your partner about the shapes you see. Describe the shapes and name them if you can. Then record the shapes you see with a drawing or words.
Practice Problem
Problem 1
Use pattern blocks to fill the outline in different ways.
Write the number of pattern blocks you used for each way.