Lesson 10 One of the Pieces, All of the Pieces
Let’s describe equal pieces of shapes.
Warm-up Which One Doesn’t Belong: Split Shapes
Which one doesn’t belong?
Activity 1 Color a Piece
Problem 1
Split the square into halves.
Color in one of the halves.How much of the square is colored in?
Problem 2
Split the circle into fourths.
Color in one of the fourths.How much of the circle is colored in?
Activity 2 Card Sort: Shaded Pieces

Sort the cards into categories in a way that makes sense to you. Explain how you sorted the cards.
Sort your cards into these categories.
Write the letter of each card in the space for its category.A fourth or quarter is shaded
A half is shaded
The whole shape is shaded
Not equal pieces
Activity 3 Describe Equal Pieces
Here are some ways to describe the shapes.
split into fourths
split into halves
split into quarters
two of the halves shaded
a half shaded
a quarter shaded
a fourth shaded
four of the fourths shaded
Label each shape with at least one phrase from the lists.
Practice Problems
Problem 1
Split the circle into fourths.
Color in four of the fourths.
Problem 2
How much of each rectangle is shaded?
Circle the rectangle that has a bigger shaded piece.