Lesson 9 From Feet to Inches
Let’s measure longer lengths with customary units.
Warm-up Estimation Exploration: Small Fry, Big Fish
How long is this cobia fish in inches?

Record an estimate that is:
too low
about right
too high
Record an estimate that is:
too low
about right
too high
Activity 1 Measure the Length of Fish
Problem 1
Work with your group to measure the tape strips around the classroom in feet. Then measure the length in inches.
Tape A: largemouth bass
Length in feet:
Length in inches:
Tape B: spiny dogfish shark
Length in feet:
Length in inches:
Tape C: catfish
Length in feet:
Length in inches:
Tape D: koi
Length in feet:
Length in inches:
Problem 2
What did you notice about the number of feet compared to the number of inches when you measured the tape strips?
Activity 2 Inches or Feet?
Estimate the length of objects around the room. Say if you will measure in inches or feet.
object to measure
my estimate
circle inches or feet
Choose the best tool to measure each object. Complete the table to record your actual measurements.
object to measure
measurement tool
actual length (include unit)
Practice Problem
Problem 1
An adult hippopotamus is 13 units long. Are the units inches or feet? Explain your reasoning.
A piece of chalk is 2 units long. Are the units inches or feet? Explain your reasoning.