Lesson 12: Practice Problems

Problem 1

An orange has about cup of juice. How many oranges are needed to make cups of juice? Select all the equations that represent this question.

Problem 2

Mai, Clare, and Tyler are hiking from a parking lot to the summit of a mountain. They pass a sign that gives distances.

  • Parking lot: mile

  • Summit: miles

Mai says: “We are one third of the way there.”

Clare says: “We have to go twice as far as we have already gone.”

Tyler says: “The total hike is three times as long as what we have already gone.”

Can they all be correct? Explain how you know.

Problem 3

Priya’s cat weighs pounds and her dog weighs pounds. First, estimate the number that would complete each sentence. Then, calculate the answer. If any of your estimates were not close to the answer, explain why that may be.

  1. The cat is as heavy as the dog.

  2. Their combined weight is pounds.

  3. The dog is pounds heavier than the cat.

Problem 4

Before refrigerators existed, some people had blocks of ice delivered to their homes. A delivery wagon had a storage box in the shape of a rectangular prism that was feet by 6 feet by 6 feet. The cubic ice blocks stored in the box had side lengths feet. How many ice blocks fit in the storage box?

  1. 270

  2. 80

  3. 180

Problem 5 From Unit 3 Lesson 1

Fill in the blanks with 0.001, 0.1, 10, or 1000 so that the value of each quotient is in the correct column.

  1. close to

  2. close to 1

  3. greater than 100

Problem 6

A school club sold 300 shirts. 31% were sold to fifth graders, 52% were sold to sixth graders, and the rest were sold to teachers. How many shirts were sold to each group—fifth graders, sixth graders, and teachers? Explain or show your reasoning.

Problem 7 From Unit 2 Lesson 11

Jada has some pennies and dimes. The ratio of Jada’s pennies to dimes is 2 to 3.

  1. From the information given, can you determine how many coins Jada has?

  2. If Jada has 55 coins, how many of each kind of coin does she have?

  3. How much are her coins worth?