Lesson 5: Practice Problems

Problem 1

An image of a book shown on a website is 1.5 inches wide and 3 inches tall on a computer monitor. The actual book is 9 inches wide.

  1. What scale is being used for the image?

  2. How tall is the actual book?

Problem 2

The flag of Colombia is a rectangle that is 6 ft long with three horizontal strips.

A rectangular figure that represents a flag. The rectangle is divided by two horizontal lines. The first horizontal line is drawn dividing the rectangle in half and the top half is shaded yellow. The second horizontal line is drawn halfway between the first horizontal line and the base of the rectangle. The middle section is shaded blue and the bottom section is shaded red.
  • The top stripe is 2 ft tall and is yellow.

  • The middle stripe is 1 ft tall and is blue.

  • The bottom stripe is also 1 ft tall and is red.

  1. Create a scale drawing of the Colombian flag with a scale of 1 cm to 2 ft.

  2. Create a scale drawing of the Colombian flag with a scale of 2 cm to 1 ft.

Problem 3

Original dimensions are 2 by 4. Figure A has side lengths of 4, diagonal side down 2, left 1, 4, diagonal side up 2, right 1. Figure B has side lengths 8, 3, 8, 3. C has side lengths 6, 3, 6, 3. D has 2, 1, 2, 1. E has 4, 2, 4, 2. F has 7, diagonal side down 3, right 1, 7, and diagonal side left 1, up 3. G has 5, 2, 5, 2. H has 8, 4, 8, 4.
  1. Select all quadrilaterals that are scaled copies of the unlabeled rectangle. Explain how you know.

    1. Shape A

    2. Shape B

    3. Shape C

    4. Shape D

    5. Shape E

    6. Shape F

    7. Shape G

    8. Shape H

  2. On graph paper, draw a different scaled version of the original rectangle.

    blank grid

Problem 4

For each pair of polygons, describe a sequence of translations, rotations, and reflections that takes Polygon P to Polygon Q.

  1. two of the same figure on an isometric grid in different orientations and position
  2. two of the same figure on an isometric grid in different orientations and position
  3. two of the same figure in different orientations and position.