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Lesson 3

We will draft the opening scenes of our narrative. We will view a Pixar video called “Act 1” that is focused on how to set the scene of a story, and we will discuss ideas with a writing partner.

Lesson Goals

  • Am I progressing in the development of my narrative?

  • Can I provide and utilize constructive peer feedback in the process of developing a narrative?



  • Digital Access
    • “Act 1” from “Pixar in a Box: The Art of Storytelling,” Pixar Animation Studios, Khan Academy, 2017



Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: View

We will view a Pixar video to consider what we should include in the opening of our narratives.

Watch the video “Act 1” and think about what to consider when beginning a story, which the Pixar animators call Act 1.

Activity 2: Discuss

We will discuss our ideas for the beginning of our narrative with our partner.

Discuss with your writing partner what you learned from the "Act 1" video, and share your ideas for your opening scenes. Review and discuss what you recorded in the Exposition section of your Storyboard Planning Tool.

Activity 3: Write

We will draft the opening scenes of our narratives.

Using your story outline or storyboard as a guide, draft the opening scenes of your narrative in a format that will allow you and others to review your draft.

As you begin to write, think about how you can initially establish the key elements of your story:

  • Set the scene and develop atmosphere by describing the setting.

  • Establish your narrator’s perspective and point of view.

  • Introduce one or more characters through description, their own thoughts, or other characters’ observations.

  • Begin to suggest what character relationships, interactions, or conflicts will drive the story.

  • Consider using an inciting incident to introduce the story.

If you need ideas or examples, return to the stories you read in Sections 1-4 of this unit and notice what their authors did to begin their narratives.

Activity 4: Write

We will continue to work on the opening scenes of our narratives.

Continue to work on the opening scenes of your narrative for homework.

Review your Vocabulary Journal. Identify significant words and incorporate them into your narrative.