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Lesson 7

We will do the final editing of our narratives, including reviews to ensure that we have consistently used verb tenses, correctly punctuated dialogue, and used other conventions appropriately. We will publish our narratives in a final form.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I use the Culminating Task Checklist to review my work?


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Reference Guides

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Read – Write

We will do a final editing of our narratives.

Step 1

Review as a class the conventions associated with time frames in a narrative and the use of past and present verb tenses. Consider examples from stories you have read and how authors either maintain a consistent time frame and verb tense throughout a story or intentionally shift tenses for effect.

Read through your draft narrative, highlighting, underlining, or circling all of the verbs you have used in your sentences.

With your writing partner, review all of your verbs and determine if they are in past or present tense. If you have shifted tenses, be sure that you have intentionally done this for effect.

If not, correct the tense of any verbs that are in a different time frame so that your narrative is consistent throughout.

Step 2

Review as a class the conventions of punctuating and paragraphing when using dialogue in a narrative.

Edit your narrative, paying particular attention to the conventions of punctuation and paragraphing associated with dialogue.

For help, you might use the Conventions, Integrating Quotations, or Claims Reference Guides.

Activity 2: Write

We will review each other’s narratives in writing pairs.

Review your writing partner’s draft, noting places where dialogue has been (or might be) used and making suggestions about punctuation or paragraphing.

Activity 3: Write

We will finalize our narrative drafts.

Revise and edit your draft narrative a final time, working to ensure that it uses dialogue effectively and correctly and that its verb tenses are consistent (unless you have shifted them for effect, such as in a flashback).

With your writing partner, consider the evaluation criteria on the Culminating Task Checklist and determine how well both of you have achieved the learning goals for the unit and for the narratives you have written.

Activity 4: Write

We will prepare the final draft of our work for submission.

Finish the revision and editing of your narrative as homework and prepare a final draft for submission to your teacher.