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Lesson 6

We will review the coherence of our narratives and work to improve the vividness of our stories by considering the imagery we have used and the language and syntax of our sentences. We will review models from some of the stories we have read and from the Claims Reference Guide, which lists vigorous, active verbs. Following a peer review, we will use constructive feedback to revise and improve our narratives.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I use writing strategies to improve the sensory language, descriptions, and use of dialogue in my stories?

  • Can I provide and utilize constructive peer feedback in the process of revising a narrative?



  • Unit Reader
    • “Mother Tongue,” Amy Tan, Threepenny Review, Reprinted by permission from Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency., 1990
    • “The Far and the Near,” Thomas Wolfe, Scribner, a division of Simon and Schuster, Inc., 1935


  • Digital Access
    • “The Birdman Drops In,” Hampton Sides, Outside, 2002



Reference Guides

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Read – Discuss

We will review our narratives for the coherence and balance of their elements and scenes.

With your writing partner, review your draft for its overall coherence and the connections among its elements, characters, and scenes. Consider the following review questions:

  1. How well have you made connections and transitions among scenes, events, and character interactions?

  2. Is the story well-paced? Is it strongly and evenly developed in all four of its storyline phases (exposition, complication, climax, resolution)?

Note places in the draft where you might need to improve its coherence, connections, or transitions.

Activity 2: Discuss

We will work to improve the vividness of our narratives by considering the imagery we have used and the language and syntax of our sentences.

As a class, review models from stories you have read in the unit that represent vigorously presented actions, evocative use of imagery, and vivid language. Think about how you might emulate these models in your own story.

Discuss the Claims Reference Guide and the section that addresses language, specifically vigorous, active verbs and vivid, evocative descriptive language. Use this resource to consider how you might improve and invigorate the language you have used in your narrative.

Reread your story draft, identifying the verbs and modifiers you have used and considering how they might be made more vigorous or vivid.

Activity 3: Read – Discuss

We will review our partners’ draft narratives in writing pairs, focusing on language use.

Review your writing partner’s draft narrative, noting places that are strengths in terms of their vivid images and descriptions and their use of vigorous verbs, and also places that might be improved.

Activity 4: Write

We will revise our narratives, working to increase their vividness and improve their language and syntax.

Independently, work to revise your narrative and improve its vivid and vigorous language.

Make helpful revisions to the sentences in your work, paying attention to the images, modifiers, and verbs you have used.

Activity 5: Write

For homework, we will continue revising our narratives.

For homework, continue to review your draft narrative, working to increase its vividness and vigor, paying attention to the images, modifiers, and verbs you have used.