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Lesson 4

Using peer and self-review, we will revise our arguments to ensure we have included all the requirements of the Culminating Task.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I reflect on and adjust my Culminating Task draft when valid evidence warrants?

  • Can I revise my Culminating Task draft to improve clarity, development, organization, style, diction, and sentence effectiveness, including use of parallel constructions and placement of phrases and dependent clauses?


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Activity 1: Discuss

We will engage in a peer and self-review process to improve our writing.

Step 1

As a class, discuss the concepts of unity and coherence. Focus on ways these characteristics can be enhanced through effective connections and transitions. Consider examples and models from arguments read in this unit.

Step 2

In pairs or trios, review each other’s arguments. Consider the questions below and look for evidence of these elements within the argument you are reviewing. If you notice anything missing, be sure to make notes for your peers.

  1. Is the position clearly stated? How do the claims in the argument support the position?

  2. Does the evidence support claims? Is any evidence being overlooked?

  3. What counterclaims does the writer make? Do these counterclaims adequately address the perspectives of the opposing side?

  4. How well does the analysis explain how the evidence supports the claim? Which areas of analysis need more explanation?

  5. How coherent is the argument? Is the argument logical?

  6. Where are effective connections and transitions used in the paper? Where are there missed opportunities for connections and transitions?

Step 3

Revise your essay based on the feedback you receive from your peers.

Activity 2: Read – Discuss

With editing partners, we will review our draft arguments for unity, coherence, connections, and transitions.

Now that you have had a chance to revise your argument, read your work aloud to yourself.

Consider the questions below as you review the unity, coherence, connections, and transitions in your draft essay:

  • How well do I use a clear approach to reasoning, and connections and transitions among ideas, to achieve unity and coherence in my argument?

  • How well do I group and sequence claims, evidence, counterclaims, and analysis into a well-reasoned, unified, and coherent argument?

Activity 3: Write

Based on what we learned and on the feedback we received, we will revise our drafts to improve their unity, coherence, connections, and transitions.

Identify specific issues in your draft that will need revision to improve unity and coherence. Then, make any necessary revisions.

Activity 4: Write

For homework, we will finish revising our draft arguments for unity, coherence, connections, and transitions.

For homework, finalize a draft of your argument in all areas other than effective expression, usage, and grammar.