Section 1: Section Diagnostic
Write and present a 1–2 paragraph analysis of a selected Edward S. Curtis photograph in response to the following questions:
In what ways does the photograph do the following:
Visually depict its subject and evoke truth or beauty?
Document aspects of Native American life, culture, people, or activities?
Represent Curtis’s work, commitment, and style as a photojournalist?
Have enduring significance as a representation of Native American history?
In your response, be sure to do the following:
Present a visual analysis of the photograph stemming from your Visual Analysis Tool, citing key details and the responses they evoke in you as a viewer.
Present information about the context in which Curtis developed the photograph, including its publication history; the Indian nation, tribe, or band represented; and the subject (individual or activity) portrayed.
Develop, explain, and support an evidence-based claim about why the photograph is representative of Curtis’s work and important as documentary photojournalism about Native American peoples and cultures.
Clearly communicate, in writing and speaking, what you have observed and learned about Edward S. Curtis and his documentary photojournalism of North American Indians.