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Section 2: Section Diagnostic

Develop an evidence-based claim and write a multiparagraph explanation in response to the following question:

  1. In what ways did the Farm Security Administration and photographs such as Migrant Mother influence American society, public opinion, and politics?

In your response, be sure to do the following:

  • Clearly and strongly communicate a claim about the influences of photojournalism on public opinion and politics.

  • Use what you know about the Great Depression, the Farm Security Administration, and Dorothea Lange’s Migrant Mother photo to explain your claim in that historical and political context.

  • Describe specific visual details from Lange’s photos that you think may have “aroused sympathy” in the American public.

  • Present a supporting claim about the role of the Farm Security Administration and photographers like Dorothea Lange in influencing public opinion.

  • Use effective paragraph organization, sentence development, language, and conventions to clearly communicate your explanation.