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Section 4: Section Diagnostic

In light of what you have learned about the history and controversy surrounding Falling Man, write an expository response to the following question:

  1. How do controversial photographs like Richard Drew’s Falling Man highlight the responsibilities and dilemmas faced by photojournalists as they document painful moments in American history and influence our reactions to them?

In developing your response, be sure to do the following:

  • Explain the controversy over Falling Man as a journalistic representation of the 9/11 tragedy.

  • Visually analyze the photo and its details in light of the position you took.

  • If you have examined other photographs from 9/11, compare how they represent the tragedy with Falling Man.

  • Support your central claim with evidence from one or more written texts that reference Falling Man.

  • Integrate direct quotations into your essay, with parenthetical citations.

  • Use correct and effective words, phrases, syntax, and mechanics to clearly communicate your analysis.