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Lesson 5

We will respond to Part 1 of the Section 4 Diagnostic and write a response that compares a theme in the novel to a theme in one of the other texts we have studied in the unit.

Lesson Goals

Reading and Knowledge

  • Gather and Organize Evidence: How well do I gather and organize relevant and sufficient evidence to demonstrate an understanding of texts and topics, support claims, and develop ideas?
  • Analyze Relationships: How well do I recognize and interpret important relationships among key details and ideas (characters, setting, tone, point of view, structure, development, etc.) within texts?
  • Determine Meaning and Purpose: How well do I use connections among details, elements, and effects to make logical deductions about an author’s perspective, purpose, and meaning in texts?
  • Attend to Details: How well do I recognize and interpret language and sentence structures to deepen my understanding of texts?


  • Form Claims: How well do I develop and clearly communicate meaningful and defensible claims that represent valid, evidence-based analysis?
  • Develop Ideas: How well do I use devices, techniques, descriptions, reasoning, evidence, and visual elements to support and elaborate on coherent and logical narratives, explanations, and arguments?
  • Communicate Effectively: How well do I use language and strategies to accomplish my intended purpose in communicating?



  • Tradebook
    • The Book of Unknown Americans, Cristina Henríquez, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2015
  • Unit Reader
    • “Immigrants in Our Own Land,” Jimmy Santiago Baca, New Directions Publishing Corp., 1979
    • “My Mother Never Worked,” Bonnie Smith-Yackel, Women: A Journal of Liberation, 1975
    • “Sixty-Nine Cents,” excerpt from Little Failure: A Memoir, Gary Shteyngart, Random House, an imprint and division of Penguin Random House LLC, 2014
    • “The Wanderers,” Guadalupe Nettel, Granta Publications, 2018



Reference Guides

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Read

We will draft our response to part 1 of the section 4 diagnostic.

Using any planning materials and the Section 4 Diagnostic Checklist, draft a response to Part 1 of the Section 4 Diagnostic:

The Book of Unknown Americans has several themes woven together in the text. Identify a theme in the novel and compare the theme to a theme in another text you have studied in the unit. Write an explanatory response that answers the following questions:

  1. What is a theme in the novel, and how is it similar to a theme in one of the other texts in this unit?

  2. What literary elements and narrative techniques did the authors use to convey the themes?

You may select from the following list for your comparison text:

  • “The Wanderers” by Guadalupe Nettel

  • “Immigrants in Our Own Land” by Jimmy Santiago Baca

  • “My Mother Never Worked” by Bonnie Smith-Yackel

  • “Sixty-Nine Cents,” excerpt from Little Failure: A Memoir by Gary Shteyngart

Activity 2: Write

We will revise our responses using focus questions as a guide.

Revision is the process of re-seeing your work with fresh eyes. Revision is a challenge for all writers. The art of making writing better is hard work that can feel very messy at times. Revise your draft using the following questions to guide you:

  1. Did I introduce my topic clearly?

  2. Did I develop my topic with relevant and sufficient text evidence from both texts?

  3. Did I use transitions to move between ideas?

  4. Did I use purposeful, precise language to compare the texts?

  5. Did I include an effective conclusion?

Activity 3: Write

We will edit for grammar and punctuation and publish a clean copy for evaluation.

Review your response to ensure you use correct grammar and punctuation. Make edits as necessary.

Submit a clean copy that integrates your revisions and edits.