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Lesson 5

We will edit and revise our writing.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I pay attention to and acknowledge others while thoughtfully considering their ideas?

  • Can I use language and strategies to accomplish my intended purpose in communicating?

  • Can I revisit, refine, and revise my understanding, knowledge, and work based on discussions with others and feedback and review by myself and others?

  • Can I finish both short and extended tasks within established deadlines?



  • Tradebook
    • The Book of Unknown Americans, Cristina Henríquez, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2015


Reference Guides

Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Present – Write – Discuss

We will engage in a peer review process to receive feedback on our writing.

Step 1

Exchange papers with a partner. Review your partner’s vignette and considering the same questions you reflected on when you conducted your first revision:

  1. Does my partner’s vignette engage the reader by setting out the problem, situation, or observation from a new perspective?

  2. Does my partner’s vignette include narrative techniques (text structure, dialogue, frame, etc.)?

  3. Does my partner’s vignette appropriately sequence the events?

  4. Is the voice of the character in my partner’s vignette authentic?

  5. Does my partner’s vignette use purposeful word choice, descriptive language, and a variety of sentence structures (periodic or parallel structure, for example)?

  6. Does my partner’s vignette provide a conclusion that follows the original story but illuminates the tale from the chosen character’s character’s perspective?

Follow your teacher’s directions on where to write down your written feedback.

Step 2

Engage in a discussion with your partner based on the written feedback. Ask clarifying questions and elaborate on ideas, as needed.

Activity 2: Write

We will revise and edit our vignettes based on the peer review session.

Based on your peer review, make additional revisions to improve your vignette.

Activity 3: Write

We will write and submit an edited draft of our writing.

Review your vignette to ensure you use correct grammar and punctuation. Make edits as necessary.

Submit a clean copy that integrates your revisions and edits.

Activity 4: Write

We will write an explanation of our writing choices in our Learning Logs.

In your Learning Log, write an explanation of your choices regarding your vignette, including which narrative structures you incorporated into the text and why.