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Lesson 13

Portfolio Preparation How can I compile the work I have completed in Section 1 to submit for the Section Diagnostic?

We will prepare to submit a portfolio of our work for the Section 1 Diagnostic by considering the task, reviewing our narrative vignettes with our character study team, and finalizing the vignettes for submission.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I conduct peer reviews of my narratives to provide constructive feedback?

  • Can I discuss and write about my character in Animal Farm?

  • Can I revise my narrative vignettes, and other portfolio elements, in response to peer feedback?



  • Tradebook
    • Animal Farm, George Orwell, Signet Classics, 2004



Reference Guides

Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Discuss

We will review the expectations for the Section Diagnostic, for which we will submit a portfolio of our work in section 1.

Step 1

Access the Section 1 Diagnostic Checklist and review the task expectations, for which you will compile a portfolio of your work. Note that your portfolio should include the following:

  1. Your Character Note-Taking Tool

  2. Your claim about your character’s role in the story and the character’s allegorical significance

  3. Your draft first-person narrative vignettes

  4. The visual representation(s) of your character that you created or found online

Note that during the Section Diagnostic in the next lesson, you will also be writing a reflection in which you discuss why you portrayed your character the way you did in your portfolio pieces

Step 2

Ask questions to clarify what you will be submitting and how you will use this lesson to review and finalize your work.

Also, see the Section Diagnostic 1 Guiding Questions in the Section 1 Question Set to help you understand, evaluate and prepare your portfolio of evidence.

Activity 2: Discuss

We will meet with our character study team to review what we will submit for the Section Diagnostic.

Step 1

Rejoin your character study team to discuss what you each have concluded about your character’s role in the allegory and your draft first-person narrative vignettes.

Step 2

Begin your review by sharing, comparing, and discussing the claims you have developed about your character’s role in the narrative and allegory.

Step 3

Next, share and compare the bank of images for your character that you either created or found online. Discuss how the images connect to or contrast with the claims about your character that you have developed.

Step 4

With a review partner from your team, read and review your first-person narrative vignettes, considering these review questions:

  1. Are the narrative vignettes consistently written in first person, and do they tell the story from your character’s point of view?

  2. Do the narrative vignettes suggest how your character views the events of the scene and what their effect on the character might be?

  3. Do the narrative vignettes establish the character’s voice in a way that suggests the degree to which the character has changed (or not)?

  4. How do the narrative vignettes connect to and illustrate your interpretation of the allegory and your character’s role in it?

Activity 3: Write

Based on the feedback we have received from our review partners, we will consider how we might revise and improve our draft first-person narrative vignettes.

Step 1

Based on the feedback you have received from your review partner, consider how you might revise and improve your draft first-person narrative vignettes.

Think also about what you might want to change or improve in your evidence-based claim about your character.

Determine if you want to change or add to the bank of images you have created or found for your character.

Consider how your narrative vignettes, claim, and visual images connect into a unified representation of what you have come to understand and think about your character.

Step 2

Individually work on improving and further connecting the evidence you will submit in your portfolio for the Section Diagnostic.

Activity 4: Discuss

We will review the task question for writing a reflection about the connections between our claims and first-person narrative vignettes.

Step 1

Follow along as your teacher reviews the specific task questions you will be addressing in an in-class writing exercise for the Section Diagnostic:

  1. What is your current understanding of the allegory of Animal Farm and your character’s role in it (your evidence-based claim)?

  2. How are your first-person narrative vignettes connected to your claim about the allegory and your character’s role? How are they supported by evidence from your Character Note-Taking Tool?

  3. How have your understandings of the allegory and character developed as you have read and discussed the novel, leading to your evidence-based claim?

Step 2

Discuss what it means to write, explain, and support a reflection, which you will do during the Section Diagnostic, and how you can use the three questions to organize your response.

Step 3

Review your Vocabulary Journal. Identify a significant word or words that you would like to use in your written reflection.

Activity 5: Read – Write

For homework, we will finalize our draft first-person narrative vignettes for submission to the teacher.

For homework, finalize your Character Note-Taking Tool, evidence-based claim, and draft first-person narrative vignettes for submission to your teacher.