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Lesson 7

We will write character analyses for characters from Things Fall Apart.

Lesson Goals

Reading and Knowledge

  • Gather and Organize Evidence: How well do I gather and organize relevant and sufficient evidence to demonstrate an understanding of the novel Things Fall Apart?
  • Evaluate Effects: How well do I evaluate the effects of literary devices in the novel?


  • Organize Ideas: How well do I sequence and group sentences and paragraphs and use devices, techniques, descriptions, reasoning, evidence, and visual elements to establish coherent, logical, and well-developed narratives, explanations, and arguments?
  • Communicate Effectively: How well do I use language and strategies to accomplish my intended purpose in communicating?
  • Develop Ideas: How well do I use devices, techniques, descriptions, reasoning, evidence, and multimedia elements to support and elaborate on coherent and logical explanations?



  • Tradebook
    • Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe, Penguin Random House, 1994



Reference Guides

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Read

We will prepare for the Section Diagnostic.

Review the Section 3 Diagnostic Checklist, the tools you have completed, your Learning Log notes, and your quick-writes to help you plan your response.

Activity 2: Read

We will complete the Section Diagnostic.

Individually, write a character analysis of one of the characters from Things Fall Apart. In your analysis, consider how internal and external factors influence the character’s relationships and contribute to his or her fate at the end of the novel. In your response, be sure to include a thesis statement and develop your thesis through a series of claims, using specific examples from the text.

Activity 3: Read

We will revise our responses to ensure that our work is appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience.

Independently review, revise, and edit your response, paying attention to how clearly you have communicated your ideas. Use the Section 3 Diagnostic Checklist to review and revise your response.

Activity 4: Read

We will reflect on our work on the Section Diagnostic and assess our progress toward the Culminating Task.

Choose at least three of the questions below and respond to them in your Learning Log:

  1. How well did you take necessary action to prepare for the task?

  2. What went well for you during the completion of this task?

  3. What did you struggle with during the completion of this task? How did you push through that struggle?

  4. How well did you actively focus your attention during this independent task?

  5. How well did you develop and use an effective and efficient process to maintain workflow during this task?

  6. What would you do differently during the next Section Diagnostic?

Review your Culminating Task Progress Tracker. Think about all you have learned and done during this section of the unit. Evaluate your skills and knowledge to determine how prepared you are for the Culminating Task.

  • Add or refine any skills and content knowledge required for the Culminating Task.

  • Evaluate how well you are mastering skills and knowledge required for the Culminating Task.