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Lesson 3

Present and Review

We will share our research with another research team to receive and provide feedback to inform further revisions and establish our next steps as we prepare to finalize our inquiry.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I synthesize varied information from multiple sources into a coherent statement to present to our audience?

  • Can I use language and strategies to accomplish my intended purpose in communicating?

  • Can I revisit, refine, and revise my understanding, knowledge, and work based on discussions with others and feedback and review by myself and others?


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Activity 1: Present

We will share our research with another team and actively listen to our peers’ presentations, providing feedback to help each other refine and finalize our work.

Step 1

Review the list of characteristics of effective presentations that the class co-constructed in the previous section of the unit. In your Learning Log, write a brief entry to set your speaking goal for this presentation, either a speaking or language skill, and explain how you will work on improving this aspect during your presentation and why you chose it.

Step 2

Join the team with whom you will be sharing, and begin your team meeting by checking in with one another about how the research process is going and any challenges that have arisen.

Review the Peer Review Tool so you are clear about the expectations of the task, and follow that procedure for the peer review.

Step 3

Decide which team will share first and have them begin.

  • Share your research. Describe the general scope of your research and explain why you are interested in this area.

  • Summarize from your written claims for each of your answers to the inquiry paths. Make sure you reference evidence from sources to support your claims.

  • Present key sources. Explain why you think they are key, summarize their content, and explain your analysis of these sources to your peers. Show your peers and comment on your annotations, notes, and evidence-based claims about these sources.

  • Make sure you give your peers the opportunity to ask you questions during the presentation.

  • Complete the Feedback Reflection section on the last page to determine and note actions you might take to revise your research based on your peers’ review.

As you listen to the other team’s presentation, use the Peer Review Tool to guide your feedback to the team to help them refine their work after the rehearsal.

Repeat the process with the other team.

Step 4

Close by debriefing the peer review process, discussing the feedback, and assisting each other as needed.

Be sure to submit your completed Peer Review Tool so your teacher can review it and return them to your team during conferencing in the next lesson.

Step 5

Individually, reflect on your portion of the presentation and assess yourself for progress toward the speaking goal you set.