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Lesson 6

We will examine a sample response to the Section 1 Diagnostic and will review feedback on the Section Diagnostic. We will use the feedback to make revisions to our work.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I reflect on and adjust my Section Diagnostic response when valid evidence warrants?

  • Can I revise my Section Diagnostic response to improve clarity, development, organization, style, diction, and sentence effectiveness, including use of parallel constructions and placement of phrases and dependent clauses?



  • Tradebook
    • The Odyssey, Homer, translated by Robert Fagles, Penguin Publishing Group, 1996
  • Unit Reader
    • “Homer on Hospitality,” Louis Markos, The Imaginative Conservative
  • Digital Access
    • “What Is Xenia?,” Greek Comix, YouTube



Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Read – Discuss

We will read and evaluate a sample response.

Step 1

Read the Section Diagnostic sample response.

With a partner, discuss the following questions:

  1. What is the overall claim?

  2. What evidence from the text might support the claim?

Step 2

Review how well the sample response does the following:

  • forms a central claim addressing how xenia affects the balance of power between Telemachus and another character

  • gathers and organizes strong and relevant evidence from the poem

  • integrates specific references and quotations using proper textual citations

  • uses academic language and demonstrates an understanding of literary elements, devices,

  • and terminology

  • uses appropriate syntax, grammar, and mechanics

Now look back at the sample and identify any requirements that are missing.

Activity 2: Read – Discuss – Research

We will discuss how to incorporate text evidence into our responses.

Step 1

Reread paragraph 2 of the sample response.

Now reread The Odyssey 4.24-34. Discuss with your partner the following questions:

  1. Would text evidence from this excerpt improve the sample response paragraph?

  2. Which text evidence should be included in the response? Where would it go?

  3. How is the evidence connected to your overarching claim?

  4. What transitions would be appropriate to incorporate the evidence?

  5. What is the correct format for citing textual evidence from The Odyssey?

Step 2

Next, review the article “Homer on Hospitality” and find textual evidence that supports your claim. Discuss the following questions with your partner:

  1. Does this text evidence support your claim?

  2. What is the correct format for citing textual evidence from an article?

Activity 3: Read – Discuss – Write

We will review the feedback for our previous Section Diagnostic.

Reread your Section Diagnostic response and the teacher comments and evaluations you received. With a writing partner or your teacher, discuss how you might improve your writing.

Revise your response to address the feedback. For example, if you have found that the claims you wrote in response to the questions were not clearly communicated or defensible based on evidence from the text, rewrite your claims and strengthen how you have connected them to the texts.

Activity 4: Read – Discuss – Write

We will review our revised responses with writing partners.

With a writing partner, discuss how you revised your response and to what extent the revision addresses the feedback.