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Lesson 4

Refine and Extend Inquiry

We will meet with our teams to review, reflect on, and discuss our feedback. We will plan for and continue revisions to finalize our research, collaborating with our team to refine and strengthen our investigation in preparation for creating our presentation in the next section. We will also compose invitations to invite possible audience members to our presentation.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I evaluate and revise my own work to strengthen my claims and more precisely address my inquiry question or research problem?

  • Can I use language and strategies to accomplish my intended purpose in communicating?


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Activity 1: Discuss – Write

We will meet with our team to review, reflect on, and discuss our feedback to plan next steps before we finalize our research. Our teacher will conference with us, answering questions and advising us as we work.

Individually, review the feedback your team received and complete the Feedback Reflection section of your Peer Review Tool.

Discuss the peer feedback you received, your completed Feedback Reflection sections, and the Research Evaluation Checklist. Determine what your group needs to change next.

Create a task list for the needed revisions for your Research Frame Tool, and determine which team members will complete which tasks. Possible tasks might include the following:

  • Refining Investigation: Your group refines and extends its research frames.

  • Extending Research: You search for additional sources based on your revised research frames.

  • Reading and Analyzing New Sources: Your group closely reads new sources to develop relevant evidence-based claims.

Activity 2: Write – Discuss

We will make revisions and continue our research. Our teacher will conference with us, answering questions and advising us as we work.

Independently or collaboratively, begin to complete the revisions and research based on the feedback you received from your team members and your discussion during the previous activity.

Consult with your team members as you revise, and note any questions or concerns to discuss with your teacher during conferences.

Activity 3: Discuss

We will conference with our teacher to get feedback and ask questions as we finalize our research.

While you work, your teacher will conference with teams to review your research and clarify any questions your team might have. Your teacher will also help you use the Research Evaluation Checklist and the Culminating Task Checklist to finalize your research.

Activity 4: Discuss

We will work collaboratively to brainstorm the content, structure, and language to use when composing invitations for our possible audience members.

Step 1

As you finalize your research and get ready to create your presentation, it is time to start thinking about who you would like to attend your celebratory presentation event and compose a formal invitation to invite these possible audience members.

As a whole class, share your individual ideas about who you would like to invite, while your teacher charts the ideas on the board or using another visible method.

Step 2

In your research teams, brainstorm a list of what should be included in a formal invitation. Be ready to share your ideas with the whole group.

As a whole class, create a list of what should be included in the invitation by having each group share one item at a time until all the groups have shared all of the items and there is a collective list, recorded by your teacher. Discuss any differences of opinion and decide on the final content list for the invitations.

Step 3

With your research team, discuss the following questions and be ready to share with the whole class:

  • Given the possible audience members we would like to invite, what kind of language (academic/professional/conversational, formal/informal/casual) should we use to best communicate with them and why?

  • Given all the information we would like to include, what kind of structure should we use to best communicate the details to our prospective audience members and why?

  • How do we want our potential audience members to receive our invitations (print/electronic, mailed/hand-delivered) and why?

  • How can we personalize each of our invitations for our specific invitees while still using our collective ideas about the content, language, and structure?

Participate in a short debrief in which each group shares their ideas about language, structure, and delivery.

Activity 5: Write – Discuss

We will compose a draft of our team’s invitation and then get feedback from another research team.

Now that you have made some decisions about the content, structure, language, and delivery method you will use in your invitation, work as a team to draft the base invitation.

Exchange your draft with another research team for feedback, and provide feedback to that other team.

Revise your base invitation as needed to address any feedback.

Activity 6: Write

We will use our team’s base invitation to compose specific invitations for our specific invitees.

Now that you have collaboratively created the base invitation for your research team, work individually to draft each of the needed customized invitations for each of your potential invitees.

As needed, consult with your group members or teacher if you need advice or help during the drafting.

Remember that you will submit your personalized invitations as part of the Section Diagnostic in the next lesson and will get feedback from your teacher so you can finalize your invitations for delivery in Section 5.

Activity 7: Read – Write

For homework, we will continue our research and revisions.

For homework, continue research and revisions in order to be able to submit your materials in the next lesson.