Section 5: Overview
Creating and Delivering Our Presentation
Working as a team, we will synthesize our information to determine what we have learned and how best to communicate our findings to our audience. We will deliver our presentations to our learning community.
Lesson 1:
Plan Presentation
Using the Application Unit Presentation Guide, we will begin the process of planning and creating a cohesive presentation for our learning community by unpacking the presentation roles, components, structure, and process.
Lesson 2:
Plan and Draft Presentation
We will continue the process of planning and creating a cohesive presentation for our learning community by selecting integral inquiry paths to present, assigning team member roles, and developing our detailed plan, outline, and materials.
Lesson 3:
Draft Presentation
As we create a cohesive presentation for our learning community, each member of our team will compose distinct written components. We will each work independently, but we will also collaborate to revise, refine, and strengthen our presentation materials.
Lesson 4:
Review and Revise Presentation
We will share, review, and revise our drafts of the written components of our presentation, collaborating with our team to refine and strengthen our presentation materials.
Lesson 5:
Revise and Practice Presentation
We will continue to revise our drafts of the written components of our presentation by collaborating with our team to refine and strengthen our presentation materials. We will also practice the revised presentation in our teams to inform further possible revisions.
Lesson 6:
Rehearse Presentation
We will formally rehearse our presentations with other research teams, and we will receive and provide feedback to inform further revisions.
Lesson 7:
Finalize Presentation
Based on the feedback we have received, we will continue to revise our drafts of the written components of our presentation, and we will collaborate with our team to refine and strengthen our presentation materials.
Lesson 8:
Option 1: Celebratory Community Event
We will celebrate our in-depth work by presenting our findings to our community at a celebratory special event.
Lesson 9:
Option 2: Celebratory School Event
We will celebrate our in-depth work by presenting our findings to our school at a celebratory event.
Lesson 10:
Option 3: Celebratory Classroom Event
We will celebrate our in-depth work by presenting our findings to our classmates.
Lesson 11:
Reflect and Close
We will celebrate and reflect on all that we have accomplished in this unit and bring closure to our research investigations.