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Lesson 8

Option 1: Celebratory Community Event

We will celebrate our in-depth work by presenting our findings to our community at a celebratory special event.

Lesson Goals

Reading and Knowledge

  • Conduct Research: How well do we conduct sustained, intensive research to sufficiently address our own inquiry questions and investigate our Central Research Question via a range of perspectives? How well do we use advanced search techniques (in print and online) effectively to find adequate and sufficient sources? How well do we assess sources for credibility, relevance, and richness and ensure a range of perspectives? How well do we cite our sources properly and avoid plagiarism?
  • Gather and Organize Evidence: How well do I gather and organize relevant and sufficient evidence to demonstrate a deepening understanding of texts and topics, to support claims, and to develop ideas?
  • Question: How well do I formulate and use questions to establish and deepen my understanding of texts and topics?
  • Analyze Relationships: How well do we compare, contrast, and synthesize multiple sources to deepen our understanding of our Central Research Question or inquiry question?


  • Compare and Connect: How well do we recognize points of connection among texts, textual elements, and perspectives to make logical, objective comparisons?
  • Form Claims: How well do we develop and clearly communicate accurate, coherent, and sound claims that represent valid perspectives and evidence-based analysis from our research?
  • Organize Ideas: How well do we sequence and group sentences and paragraphs and use devices, techniques, descriptions, reasoning, evidence, and visual elements to establish coherent, logical, and well-developed narratives, explanations, and arguments?
  • Develop Ideas: How well do we use devices, techniques, descriptions, reasoning, evidence, and visual elements to support and elaborate our researched-based perspective?

Speaking and Listening

  • Organize Work: In my role in our research team, how well do I present information and insights in a clear, logical way to engage and enlighten an audience?
  • Communicate Effectively: In the section or aspect of our presentation that I’ve created, how well do I use language to share my research findings with my learning community in a way that is clear, logical, engaging, and appropriate for my audience?
  • Publish: How well does our presentation use visual media and technological tools in an effective way, building the audience’s interest and illuminating our findings?


There are no texts for this Lesson.



Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Present

Presenters: our team will celebrate our in-depth work by presenting our findings to our community at a celebratory event.

Audience: we will listen attentively and take notes during our peers’ presentations.


Begin the presentations, as directed in the Presentation Structure section of the Application Unit Presentation Guide, in the order previously decided.


As you listen attentively to the other teams’ presentations, take notes, considering the following questions:

  1. What are the most interesting or surprising things you learned from this presentation?

  2. What aspects of your peers’ research process or presentation might you use in your own future projects?

  3. What shout-out can you give your peers about their work in the following debrief lesson?

Activity 2: Present

ALL students will help take down the presentation space and their own team’s technology and materials.

As directed by your teacher, assist in taking down the presentation space and all needed technology and materials. Ensure everything is functioning, cleaned up, and put away.