Excerpt from “Bowling Alone: America’s Declining Social Capital,” Robert D. Putnam, National Endowment for Democracy and The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995
“How to Tame a Wild Tongue,” excerpt from Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, Gloria E. Anzaldúa, Aunt Lute Books. Reproduced with permission from the estate of Gloria Anzaldúa., 1987
“Mother Tongue,” Amy Tan, Threepenny Review, Reprinted by permission from Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency., 1990
“Stoop Sitting,” excerpt from The Poet X, Elizabeth Acevedo, HarperCollins Publishers, 2018
“The End of Solitude,” William Deresiewicz, The Chronicle of Higher Education. Used with permission from the author., 2009
“If They Should Come for Us,” Fatimah Asghar, Poetry, March 2017
“My Dungeon Shook: Letter to My Nephew on the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Emancipation,” excerpt from The Fire Next Time, James Baldwin, Dial Press, an imprint of Random House, 1962
“Pen Pals,” Christy Chan, Snap Judgement, National Public Radio, 2017
“Using Rhetorical Strategies for Persuasion,” Purdue Online Writing Lab, Purdue University
“‘Where I’m From’: A Crowdsourced Poem That Collects Your Memories of Home,” Casey Noenickx, Kwame Alexander, and Rachel Martin, National Public Radio, August 28, 2019