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Lesson 6

We will make our final revisions in order to complete the Culminating Task.

Lesson Goals


  • How well do I revisit, refine, and revise my understanding, knowledge, and work based on discussions with others and feedback and review by myself and others?
  • How well do I develop and clearly communicate a meaningful and defensible claim that represents a valid, evidence-based analysis?
  • How well do I sequence and group sentences and paragraphs and use devices, techniques, descriptions, reasoning, evidence, and visual elements to establish coherent, logical, and well-developed narratives, explanations, and arguments?


There are no texts for this Lesson.


Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Read – Discuss – Write

We will trade papers with a partner and make revisions based on their feedback.

Step 1

Trade papers with someone who has not read your paper.

Read their paper, and annotating while keeping the following questions in mind:

  1. What community is being discussed?

  2. What details are included about this community?

  3. Can you answer the who, what, where, and when of this community? Is that information necessary to complete your understanding?

  4. What are the responsibilities particular to this community?

  5. How does the author communicate the value and legitimacy of this community?

  6. Can you see the influence of other authors read in this unit in your peer’s writing? How and where?

  7. What message do you feel the author is attempting to communicate?

  8. What is the tone of this writing? Is it appropriate and effective, given the topic?

  9. Does this writing effectively communicate a message about a specific community? Why or why not?

  10. What general feedback do you have to make this a more successful piece of writing?

Step 2

Discuss your responses with your partner (do not simply give them a sheet of paper with your answers). Talk through your feedback, offering additional suggestions for improvement, as necessary.

Activity 2: Write

We will revise our writing based on peer feedback.

Continue making revisions to your paper based on the feedback you received from your partner.

Be prepared to submit your final, revised writing in the next lesson.