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Lesson 6

We will draft our response to the Culminating Task.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I draft a strong thesis statement for my literary essay?

  • Can I sequence and group sentences and paragraphs and use devices, techniques, descriptions, reasoning, and evidence to establish a coherent, logical, and well-developed literary analysis?

  • Can I craft an effective introduction for my essay?

  • Can I craft an effective conclusion for my essay?



  • Tradebook
    • Hamlet, William Shakespeare, Simon and Schuster, 2003
  • Unit Reader
    • Excerpt from “Discovering Feminism through Gertrude and Ophelia in Shakespeare’s Hamlet,” Zamila Abdul Rani, Siti Hawa Muhamad, and Siti Masitah, 2nd International Conference on Economics and Banking, 2016
    • Excerpt from “The Real or Assumed Madness of Hamlet,” Simon Augustine Blackmore, Stratford Company, 1917
    • “The Claudian Globe,” excerpt from Hamlet and the Distracted Globe, Andrew Gurr, Sussex University Press, 1978



Reference Guides

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Write

We will draft our response to the Culminating Task.

Using your partner’s feedback on your support paragraphs and your analysis of the structure of your selected criticism, draft your response to the Culminating Task.

Be sure to do the following:

  • Include a strong thesis statement.

  • Include an effective introduction and conclusion.

  • Thoroughly support your ideas with strong textual evidence and analytical reasoning.

  • Use appropriate transitions to connect your ideas.

  • Properly cite quotations.

  • Use correct conventions.

Be ready to share and receive feedback on the whole essay in regard to coherence, unity, and organization in the next lesson’s peer review.

Consult the following resources as needed:

  • Organizing Evidence Tool

  • Avoiding Plagiarism Reference Guide

  • Integrating Quotations Reference Guide

  • Conventions Reference Guide

  • Connecting Ideas Reference Guide

  • Claims Reference Guide

  • Style Reference Guide

  • Organization Reference Guide