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Lesson 7

We will continue to develop our written response to the Culminating Task by revising our work, focusing on organization and support. We will work with a partner to obtain and offer feedback.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I revisit, refine, and revise my understanding, knowledge, and work based on discussions with others and feedback and review by myself and others?



  • Tradebook
    • Hamlet, William Shakespeare, Simon and Schuster, 2003
  • Unit Reader
    • Excerpt from “Discovering Feminism through Gertrude and Ophelia in Shakespeare’s Hamlet,” Zamila Abdul Rani, Siti Hawa Muhamad, and Siti Masitah, 2nd International Conference on Economics and Banking, 2016
    • Excerpt from “The Real or Assumed Madness of Hamlet,” Simon Augustine Blackmore, Stratford Company, 1917
    • “The Claudian Globe,” excerpt from Hamlet and the Distracted Globe, Andrew Gurr, Sussex University Press, 1978



Reference Guides

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Read – Write

We will revise our work to make sure we fully support and develop our ideas about the task, purpose, and audience. This will help us develop work that is clear and coherent.

Revision is the process of re-seeing your work with fresh eyes. Revision is a challenge for all writers—the art of making writing better is hard work that can feel messy at times.

Share your draft response with your partner, and then ask your partner the following questions:

  1. Is my central claim clearly stated?

  2. Do I sufficiently explain how each supporting claim is connected to the central claim?

  3. Is the evidence I use to support my claims relevant? Is my evidence integrated effectively? Do the integrated quotations use correct punctuation and citations?

  4. Are my introduction and conclusion effective?

  5. Do I use strong word choice and effective rhetoric?

Repeat the process with your partner’s essay.

Activity 2: Read

We will engage in a peer review of our organization and coherence to help us strengthen and revise our essays.

Cut up a printed copy of your essay so that each paragraph is separate. Mix up the paragraphs. Trade paragraphs with a partner. Working individually, complete the following tasks:

  • Read each paragraph and write a brief note about the function of the paragraph on the back or margin.

  • Arrange the paragraphs in the order they should appear in the essay.

  • Highlight coherence markers and transitions that helped you determine the order. If you cannot determine the order of some paragraphs, mark them with an asterisk. Once you have the paragraphs in the order, number them.

  • Analyze the language of the paragraphs. Highlight strong and effective word choice. If language is generic or confusing, mark it with an asterisk.

Meet with your partner to review and discuss your observations about the order and function. Be sure to also provide feedback about how to improve the coherence, organization, conclusion, introduction, and language.

Activity 3: Write

We will type a revised draft of our literary analysis.

Revise your essay based on peer feedback.

Complete the revised draft for homework.