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Artificial IntelligenceCulminating Task

Central Question

How is artificial intelligence affecting our world?

Based on the texts you have read in this unit, write an argumentative essay that establishes and supports a position in response to a current issue related to artificial intelligence, choosing from one of the following subtopics:

  • Subtopic 1 — Job Market: Should people be concerned about the possibility of AI replacing humans in jobs? Will AI create or eliminate jobs? Why or why not?

  • Subtopic 2 — Machine Learning: Should our society allow artificial intelligence to make its own decisions or influence human decision-making? Why or why not?

  • Subtopic 3 — Privacy: Is it possible to protect an individual’s privacy with the rise of artificial intelligence? Why or why not?

In your argumentative essay, be sure to do the following:

  • Develop a clear position supported by a series of evidence-based claims.

  • Include at least one counterargument refuting an opposing position.

  • Support your claims with evidence from multiple credible sources and include proper citations.

  • Organize your claims and evidence into a well-reasoned argument for a specific audience and purpose.

  • Use effective diction, syntax, and tone.