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Foundation UnitCulminating Task

Central Question

Who Changes the World?

Task Question

  1. What are the conditions that caused or allowed change to occur in your pathway topic, and who were change agents?

Part 1: Group Presentation

Participate in a research team to create a 5–7 minute presentation about global, national, and local change agents and the conditions that caused or allowed change in one of the following pathways: technological, cultural, business and marketing, humanitarian, political, or scientific.

In your presentation, be sure to do the following:

  • Share your inquiry questions and findings and conclusions based on the research process to explain the conditions that caused or allowed change to occur in your pathway, and describe individuals who created that change.

  • Cite evidence from the credible sources that helped you answer your inquiry questions and develop your conclusions.

  • Use language and communication strategies to engage your audience.

  • Respond to questions from your audience respectfully and knowledgeably.

See the Foundation Unit Research and Presentation Guide for possible ideas for presentation formats.

Part 2: Individual Reflection

Individually, write a multiparagraph reflective narrative that describes your research process and explains your strengths and areas of growth as a reader, writer, collaborator, and presenter.

In your reflective narrative, be sure to do the following:

  • Develop your ideas with descriptive details, examples, and explanations.

  • Organize your ideas in a logical structure.

  • Use correct and effective grammar and spelling to clearly communicate your ideas.