Section 3: Overview
Deepening Our Understanding about Change Agents
Working as a team, we will synthesize our information to determine what we have learned and how best to communicate our findings to our audience. We will begin planning and drafting our final presentations.
Lesson 1:
If we need additional practice with engaging in formal text-centered discussions, we will practice by answering five open-ended questions in writing. We will then use these questions to engage in discourse with a peer or the teacher.
Lesson 2:
We will examine the expectations of the Culminating Task. We will synthesize our research to draft an overarching claim and a series of supporting claims to address the task question.
Lesson 3:
We will select a presentation format and begin planning our presentations. We will reflect on and evaluate our progress on planning and preparing for the Culminating Task.
Lesson 4:
We will examine effective presentation techniques and develop a team plan to assign roles and responsibilities for drafting the presentation.
Lesson 5:
We will work with our research teams to draft our pathway presentations. We will reflect on and evaluate the progress of our research.
Lesson 6:
We will refine and revise our Section 1 Diagnostics to demonstrate how our understanding of a change agent expanded or changed after reading additional texts.
Lesson 7:
We will review feedback on the Section Diagnostic. We will use the feedback to make revisions to our work.
Lesson 8:
We will share the analyses we have made about our independent reading texts and make connections to the unit. We will plan a final product to share our experiences from reading independently and the knowledge we have gained.