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Lesson 2

We will explore a TED Talk by Clint Smith, published author, poet, teacher, and doctoral candidate at Harvard University, on the dangers of not speaking up when witnessing or experiencing different types of injustice. “Silence is the residue of fear” is the mantra of this brief talk, which offers a glimpse into the difficult role of a change agent.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I use a variety of strategies (e.g., context clues, word study, and vocabulary resources) to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words related to change agents?

  • Can I work productively in various roles with other participants?

  • Can I gather and organize relevant and sufficient evidence to demonstrate an understanding of texts and topics, support claims, and develop ideas about change agents?

  • Can I recognize and interpret important relationships among key details and ideas (characters, setting, tone, point of view, structure, development, etc.) within texts about change agents?

  • Can I analyze how an author’s perspective influences the position, purpose, and ideas of a text about change agents?



  • Digital Access
    • “The Danger of Silence,” Clint Smith,, 2015



Reference Guides

Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Write – Discuss

We will examine a quote by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. we will work with peers to discuss the quote and summarize the discussion in writing.

Write the following quote by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in your Learning Log:

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

Follow the directions below:

  1. Take a minute to think about the quote individually.

  2. Discuss the meaning of this quote with a partner. Why is the silence of our friends important?

  3. Independently write down key ideas from your discussion in your Learning Log in one to two sentences.

Activity 2: View – Discuss – Write

We will watch a TED Talk called “The Danger Of Silence.” we will think about how the talk makes us feel after hearing it once, and discuss this feeling with our peers.

Watch the TED Talk by Dr. Clint Smith entitled "The Danger of Silence." Then, follow the directions below:

  1. Think of one word that describes how you feel about Dr. Smith’s talk.

  2. Share the word with your partner. Briefly explain to your partner why you chose the word you did.

  3. Write your partner’s word and explanation, as well as your own, in your Learning Log.

Activity 3: View – Write

We will watch the TED Talk a second time; this time we will write down key ideas, words, and phrases.

Watch the TED Talk a second time. This time, in your Learning Logs, write down key ideas, words, or statements that the speaker shares. Respond to the following questions:

  1. Do you see any connections between any of the terms you learned earlier (activism, advocacy, and influence) and the message Smith shares?

  2. How are silence and change related, according to Smith?

Activity 4: Discuss

We will use text-analysis skills and discourse to answer text-dependent questions in order to discern the speaker’s point of view; we will discuss the possible qualities of change agents.

Get into groups and discuss the following questions:

  1. What can you infer about the speaker’s point of view on silence from the title, "The Danger of Silence"?

  2. What emotion is Smith equating silence with? Is there more than one?

  3. What is the key idea expressed by the speaker? How does it relate to change and change agents?

  4. How does the phrase "There is no time to pick your battles when your battles have already picked you" relate to the key concept?

  5. How do the speaker’s word choice, tone, and inflection illuminate his point of view?

  6. How does the speaker’s perspective impact his message?

Activity 5: Write

We will write a reflection of the day’s discussion along with the qualities of change agents as gleaned from “The Danger Of Silence” by Clint Smith.

Independently, reflect on your group discussion in your Learning Log. Then, respond to the following question:

  1. Based on this video, what are some qualities that change agents exhibit?

Note the qualities that your group discussed, and highlight these qualities in your Learning Log.