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Lesson 1

We will make connections between foundational texts and our pathway texts, and reflect on our current understanding of ethics and our pathways.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I express an accurate understanding of the central ideas of my chosen pathway texts?

  • Can I determine points of connection among chosen pathway texts and foundational texts from Section 1?

  • Can I explore a variety of credible sources to deepen and refine my understanding of my chosen pathway and ethics overall?


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Question Sets

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Activity 1: Write – Discuss

We will review and discuss quotes from the unit texts to create meaningful and constructive connections.

Step 1

Review the quote from Wallace Stegner:

"There is a sense in which we are all each other’s consequences."

Also, read Kant’s formulation of the categorical imperative:

"Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law, without contradiction."

Individually, respond to the following questions:

  1. What ideas do these quotes share?

  2. What is the fundamental difference between the quotes?

With your group, discuss the two questions. Collaboratively, create a list of similarities and differences between the quotes. Review the list and identify trends or categories in your answers.

Step 2

Participate in a class discussion about the similarities and differences of ideas in the quotes.

After each group has shared, individually work to respond to the following question:

  1. How do these ideas relate to one another?

Activity 2: Read – Write – Discuss

We will continue using our foundational texts along with a text from each pathway and continue making comparisons and drawing conclusions.

Select an article from your pathway text set that all group members have read. Review Kant’s formulation of the categorical imperative: "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law, without contradiction."

Review the main ideas from your pathway article, and individually respond to the following questions:

  1. How do your article and Kant’s formulation connect or relate?

  2. What is a fundamental disconnection between your article and Kant’s formulation?

Share responses with your group members, and work to create a collaborative list that combines all noted similarities and differences.

  • As a group, work to synthesize your similarities and differences into one statement. The main similarity between these two texts is _____.

The main difference between these two texts is _____.

Activity 3: Read – Write – Discuss

We will read an additional pathway text in order to practice the type of synthesis and conclusions that will be necessary in the Culminating Task.

Individually, in pairs of two, or as a group, choose another pathway text. Conduct a final analysis in which you compare another pathway text to the current pathway text.

Identify central ideas from each text, and respond to the following questions:

  1. What do these texts have in common?

  2. What is their fundamental difference?

If working individually or in pairs, share responses with the group until all ideas have been accounted for and wrote down.

Synthesize findings into summation statements:

  • The main similarity between these two texts is _____.

  • The main difference between these two texts is _____.

Reflecting on all rounds of this activity, discuss the following questions with group members:

  1. Why does it matter that these texts have similarities?

  2. Why does it matter that these texts have differences?

Activity 4: Write – Discuss

We will culminate our process of making connections and drawing conclusions by looking beyond the texts we have read in order to determine Future needs for reading, research, and revision of ideas.

Review the notes taken on each of the four texts under examination:

  1. Stenger’s quote

  2. Kant’s formulation

  3. Pathway Text 1

  4. Pathway Text 2

Reflecting on these texts, consider what questions remain, using the following as a guide for your thinking. Answer at least two questions, using textual evidence as support:

  1. How does this group of texts inform your current understanding of ethics overall and your pathway specifically?

  2. Does one text provide more information than others? Why is that?

  3. What questions arise from these texts? How can you answer them?

  4. How will these texts help your pathway group succeed on the Culminating Task?

Share your findings with your pathway members, and discuss ways to help each other answer the remaining questions.