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Lesson 3

We will work in our research teams to read, analyze, and evaluate another common seed text. We will write an annotated bibliography of a text and compare our text-based observations and evaluations, synthesizing and extending our understanding by posing new text-dependent inquiry questions.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I build an understanding about my pathway topic?

  • Can I work productively with my research team to evaluate the usefulness of research, as well as select relevant, accurate, and credible sources?

  • Can I write a concise, objective summary of the text?



  • Digital Access
    • Foundation Unit Pathway Texts



Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Discuss

We will review our groups’ norms and the Culminating Task.

Review your group’s norms and discuss what you will do so that your group is successful in completing this lesson’s activities and the Culminating Task.

Remember, you can find your pathway, pathway texts, and pathway inquiry questions in the Foundation Unit Pathway Texts.

Activity 2: Read – Discuss – Write

We will read a new pathway text.

Step 1

In your pathway groups, choose a new common text to read from the Foundation Unit Pathway Texts Handout.

Select half of your group members to use the following question to complete a copy of the Attending to Details Tool:

  1. What are the central ideas of the text?

Assign the other half of your group the following question to complete a copy of the Evaluating Ideas Tool:

  1. How do the author’s language choices indicate his or her perspective?

Step 2

After both tools have been completed, discuss the text with your teammates, using the following questions, which can also be found in the Foundation Unit Research and Presentation Guide:

  1. What information does this text provide on our pathway?

  2. How does the text help us respond to our inquiry questions?

  3. How might this text cause us to change our minds on the pathway topic?

  4. How extensive and supported is the information it provides?

  5. How does the information in the text relate to other texts we have read?

  6. How do we know this text is credible?

  7. How do we know it provides accurate, factual, and honest information?

  8. How might we use this text in our presentation?

  9. What new inquiry questions emerged for us during this activity?

Activity 3: Discuss – Write

We will write an annotated bibliography of the text.

Step 1

Work with your pathway group to summarize the article you read for your pathway, using your Attending to Details Tool, Evaluating Ideas Tool, and Summarizing Text Tool:

  • First, review your completed Attending Details Tool to review the central ideas you identified in the article.

  • Then, review the supporting evidence or details you found for these ideas.

  • Read your completed Evaluating Ideas Tool to review your conclusion on the text’s value and credibility.

Step 2

Using a copy of the Summarizing Text Tool, note key details from the text. Note that you can use the details you have already identified on your Attending to Details Tool.

  • First, write down what you think is the central idea of the text based on your analysis so far.

  • Then, scan each paragraph to identify and note key details.

  • Lastly, write an initial summary using those details at the bottom of the tool.

Step 3

Using notes on your Summarizing Text Tool, you can now craft an annotated bibliography that summarizes your pathway text. In your summary, be sure to identify the author’s main claims and supporting evidence. Remember that key supports are not the same thing as minor details. You can also use any important details to help establish context or clarify these claims.

Using the notes from your Evaluating Ideas Tool, conclude your summary with a final statement explaining the value and credibility of the text with regard to your pathway topic.

Activity 4: Discuss

We will reflect on this lesson’s work to determine our progress toward the Culminating Task.

Respond to the following questions on your tracker with your group:

  1. Did we meet the goals we set at the beginning of the period? How do we know we met our goals? Provide evidence.

  2. How did we, individually, contribute to our group during this lesson?

  3. On a scale from one to four, how well do we understand _____ (the topic, our research, the texts we read during this lesson, the presentation plan)?