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Lesson 7

Finalize Presentation

Based on the feedback we have received, we will continue to revise our drafts of the written components of our presentation, and we will collaborate with our team to refine and strengthen our presentation materials.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I synthesize varied information from multiple sources into a coherent statement to present to our audience?

  • Can I use language and strategies to accomplish my intended purpose in communicating?

  • Can I revisit, refine, and revise my understanding, knowledge, and work based on discussions with others and feedback and review by myself and others?


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Activity 1: Discuss

We will meet with our teams to review and discuss our rehearsal feedback and presentation materials and confirm next steps before we continue to finalize our written components. Our teacher will conference with us, answering questions and advising us as we work.

Begin your team meeting by checking in with one another about the rehearsal. If your team members are struggling or facing challenges, work together to troubleshoot and problem-solve.

As a team, review and discuss the feedback from the other team and your teacher from the Peer Review Culminating Task Checklist and Culminating Task Checklist.

Create a task list for the needed revisions and determine which team members will complete which tasks. Refer to the Application Unit Presentation Guide as needed for clarification and additional guidance.

Activity 2: Write – Discuss

We will revise our presentation drafts and bring them into their final form. Our teacher will conference with us, answering questions and advising us as we work.

Independently, continue to revise the written components for your assigned role based on the feedback you received from your rehearsal and the discussion in the previous activity.

Also use the details from the Presentation Written Components section of the Application Unit Presentation Guide, Peer Review Culminating Task Checklist, and the Culminating Task Checklist to guide and inform your revisions. Refer to the Presentation Creation Process of the Application Unit Presentation Guide for more revision strategies and suggestions.

Consult with your team members as you revise, and note any questions or concerns to discuss with your teacher during conferences.

Remember that your team will submit your finalized presentation materials for assessment in the next lesson.

Activity 3: Discuss

We will conference with our teacher to get feedback and ask questions as we finalize our presentations.

While your team works during this lesson, your teacher will conference with teams to review the rehearsal feedback, clarify any questions your team might have, and use the Peer Review Culminating Task Checklist and the Culminating Task Checklist to help you finalize your presentation.

Activity 4: Present

ALL students will help set up the presentation space and their own team’s technology and materials.

As directed by your teacher, assist in setting up the presentation space and all needed technology and materials. Ensure everything is functioning so that your team can present in the next lesson.

Activity 5: Present

For homework, each member of our team will practice for the presentation to the audience.

Independently prepare for the presentation by practicing your sections and making any final refinements to the content. Refer to the Presentation Written Components section of the Application Unit Presentation Guide for specific details about each of the required written components and to the criteria listed in the Culminating Task Checklist to guide your thinking and writing.

Ensure that your team is ready to present.