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Lesson 13

We will examine a model response to the Section 1 Diagnostic, and we will draft our own responses.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I analyze and explain how the ideas and textual evidence interact and develop in the Section 1 Diagnostic Model Response?



  • Tradebook
    • 1984, George Orwell, Signet Classics, 1949



Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Read – Write

We will prepare for the section 1 diagnostic by examining a model response.

Re-examine the Section 1 Diagnostic Checklist.

Now, read and annotate the Section 1 Diagnostic Model Response. Use the following questions to guide your annotations:

  1. Are the central ideas clearly stated? Are they accurate?

  2. Is the textual evidence relevant and well-chosen?

  3. How is the textual evidence integrated and cited?

  4. How is the textual evidence connected to the central ideas?

  5. How are the two central ideas connected?

  6. What transitions are used to connect ideas?

Activity 2: Read – Discuss

We will discuss our analysis of the model response with a partner.

Discuss the questions below with your partner. Return to the text to confirm your answers:

  1. Are the central ideas clearly stated? Are they accurate?

  2. Is the textual evidence relevant and well-chosen? How is the textual evidence integrated and cited?

  3. How is the textual evidence connected to the central ideas?

  4. How are the two central ideas connected?

  5. What transitions are used to connect ideas?

Activity 3: Write

We will draft our response to the section 1 diagnostic.

Using your Thematic and Central Ideas Note-Taking Tool, annotations, and other notes, draft your response to the Section 1 Diagnostic.

In your paragraph, be sure to do the following:

  • clearly state the selected central ideas from the novel

  • include at least three pieces of textual evidence (details or quotations) for each central idea

  • explain how the evidence connects to the central idea

  • use varied and effective transitions to connect ideas

  • use accurate conventions

Complete your draft for homework. Be prepared to share it in the next lesson.