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Lesson 2

We will plan and draft the Culminating Task essay.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I follow and give complex instructions, clarify meaning by asking pertinent questions, and respond appropriately when providing peer feedback

  • Can I develop my Culminating Task draft into a focused, structured, and coherent piece of writing by using strategic organizational structures appropriate to purpose, audience, topic, and context?

  • Can I develop my Culminating Task draft into a focused, structured, and coherent piece of writing by developing an engaging idea, reflecting depth of thought with effective use of details, examples, and commentary?

  • Can I compose an expository essay using genre characteristics and craft for my Culminating Task?



  • Tradebook
    • Frankenstein, Mary Shelley, Signet Classics, 1831


Reference Guides

Activity 1: Discuss

We will share and discuss our initial thinking regarding how we will respond to the Culminating Task.

In small groups, share, discuss, and expand your responses to the homework. Use the following questions to guide your discussion:

  1. Which prompt are you leaning toward? Why?

  2. How do you plan to answer the question?

  3. What is the best evidence you found to support your planned response?

In a whole-class discussion, share your ideas to help make decisions about your essay’s focus.

Activity 2: Write – Discuss

We will begin drafting the opening paragraph of the expository essay.

Step 1

Draft an opening paragraph. You will revisit this writing later as you revise and focus your thinking. The working thesis will help organize your writing, but be prepared to adjust and revise it as you write.

Opening Paragraph

  • Provide context by including what the reader needs to know about the topic and text to understand the thesis.

  • Come up with a working thesis of one to two sentences that express your response to the essay topic.

Step 2

Move into a small group for peer feedback. Discuss with your small group instructions for how you want to share your opening paragraphs and give one another peer feedback. Be sure to leave time to ask your peers questions about the feedback once it is given.

Compare your opening paragraph with your group. Based on feedback you received, revise or add to your writing.

Activity 3: Write

We will draft our body paragraphs for the essay.

For each body paragraph, focus on one element that supports your thesis and identify evidence that will support that element.

Complete a draft of your body paragraphs. Consider what transitional phrases you should use in the paragraph to signal the reader and provide a road map of your exposition.

Activity 4: Read – Discuss

We will share our interior paragraphs to receive feedback from our peers.

Switch papers with a partner in your group and read each other’s body paragraphs. Use the two questions below to focus your feedback on additional points of connection:

  1. Does the evidence and reasoning relate specifically to your partner’s working thesis?

  2. What additional evidence do you recall that relates to the reasoning in your partner’s paragraphs?

  3. What additional reasoning can you add to your partner’s body paragraphs?

Discuss your answers with your partner. Add to or modify your body paragraphs based on the feedback from your partner.

Activity 5: Write

We will write a draft of our concluding paragraph for our expository essay.

Begin drafting your concluding paragraph. The organization of your concluding paragraph can include several of the following:

  • a summary of your main ideas

  • a universal response

  • a final comparison

  • final thoughts

Activity 6: Write

For homework, we will finish our drafts for the Culminating Task.

Finish your draft for homework. Bring in a copy of your draft to your next lesson for a peer read.