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Lesson 1

We will review our group norms and research the requirements for our top program choices.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I formulate and use questions to establish and deepen my understanding of texts and topics?

  • Can I establish and demonstrate an understanding of the central ideas of texts?

  • Can I explore a variety of credible sources to answer a question or solve a problem using an organized and dynamic process of inquiry?

  • Can I evaluate the relevance and credibility of information, ideas, evidence, and reasoning presented in texts?


There are no texts for this Lesson.



Reference Guides

Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Discuss

We will revisit our pathway team norms from the previous section and make revisions or additions.

Gather with your pathway team and look through the norms you developed in Section 2, Lesson 1. Discuss the following questions with your pathway team:

  1. How did these norms support your team during Section 2? What worked well about these norms?

  2. What revisions or additions might you make to these norms to ensure that all team members feel supported and respected?

Activity 2: Read

We will research the requirements for our top Programs of choice, as well as other considerations, for our postsecondary program. We will establish a clear understanding of our research.

Step 1

Access and examine the Postsecondary Program Considerations handout.

Research the requirements for your top program of choice. Reference your application submitted as part of your Section 2 Diagnostic if needed.

Use your research to respond to the questions on the Postsecondary Program Considerations handout in as much detail as possible by writing responses in your Learning Log.

As you are researching, review the Foundation Unit Research and Presentation Guide for guidance in choosing sources with credibility.

Step 2

If you come across any unfamiliar terms as you are reading and researching, add them to your Vocabulary Journal. You might use a Vocabulary in Context Tool for words you can decipher from the text as you read individually and within your group. For other vocabulary terminologies, you might use morphology to decipher the meaning, or a reference resource to check if your meaning is accurate.

Add at least two words to your Vocabulary Journal from your research. If you submit a résumé or cover letter to your institutions of choice, you might need to include some of your new found terminology.

Activity 3: Write – Discuss

We will share our thoughts with our team about our postsecondary research.

Get into your pathway teams. Individually, share your responses to the following prompts. Designate a notetaker so that your instructor can identify areas of growth and struggle for each individual in the team:

  1. Based on my research, I found _____.

  2. Changes I might need to make to my research plan are _____ because _____.

  3. One thing that excites me most about the postsecondary program I have chosen is _____.

  4. One thing that confuses or concerns me about the postsecondary program I have chosen is _____.

  5. I need to _____ in order to make myself a better candidate for my postsecondary program of choice.

  6. My postsecondary program can help me achieve my life goals by _____.