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Lesson 1

We will draft a claim that evaluates how the film directors’ choices enhance or detract from the themes of Romeo and Juliet. We will rewatch a key scene from the Luhrmann film and attend to specific details. We will use the model claim from the Section 2 Diagnostic to draft our own claim.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I recognize points of connection among the play Romeo and Juliet and the two film adaptations?

  • Can I evaluate the effects of the directors’ choices in the Romeo and Juliet film adaptations?

  • Can I develop and clearly communicate a meaningful and defensible claim about the directors’ choices in the Romeo and Juliet film adaptations that represents a valid, evidence-based analysis?


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Question Sets

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Activity 1: Read – View – Write

We will rewatch Act 1, Scene 5 of the Luhrmann film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet and Capture our analysis on the film-theme Note-Taking Tool.

Step 1

Before viewing Act 1, Scene 5 of the Luhrmann adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, examine the following questions:

  1. What costumes are Romeo and Juliet wearing?

  2. What is symbolic about them?

  3. What is the pacing like in this scene?

  4. What is the music like?

  5. What imagery is used when Romeo and Juliet first meet?

Pay attention to these director choices while watching the film, especially when Luhrmann portrays Lines 59-60 and 104-107.

Step 2

Before viewing the scene, reread Lines 59-60:

ROMEO: Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight,

For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night.

Reread Lines 104-107:

ROMEO: If I profane with my unworthiest hand

This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:

My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand

To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.

Pay attention to how these lines are portrayed in the film adaptation.

View Act 1, Scene 5 of Luhrmann’s film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet with this guiding question:

  1. How did Luhrmann’s choices in Act 1, Scene 5 enhance or detract from the thematic ideas found in Act 1, Scene 5 in the original play?

Write down your notes in the Film-Theme Note-Taking Tool.

Activity 2: Write

We will use our notes on the film-theme Note-Taking Tool to draft a claim about how the directors’ choices transform the source material.

Use your notes on the Film-Theme Note-Taking Tool to respond to the following questions about the Luhrmann Adaptation of Act 1, Scene 5:

  1. What theme about love is emphasized in the film scene?

  2. What specific details from the film support this interpretation?

Use the Model Claim from the Section 2 Diagnostic as a template to draft a concise response to these questions. Consider using the sentence frames below:

In Act 1, Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare develops the theme _____ by _____. Film director Baz Luhrmann chose to use _____ as (character) says “_____” (citation). This choice emphasizes _____.

Activity 3: Write

We will use our notes on the film-theme Note-Taking Tool to build on our claim evaluating the effectiveness of Luhrmann’s choices.

Use your notes on the Film-Theme Note-Taking Tool Tool to respond to the following questions about the Luhrmann Adaptation of Act 1, Scene 5:

  1. How did the director’s choices enhance the theme? What details from the film support your claim?

  2. Did any of the choices detract from the theme? If so, how? What details from the film support your claim?

Use the Model Claim from the Section 2 Diagnostic as a template to draft a concise response to the above questions. Consider using the sentence frame below.

Luhrmann enhances (or detracts from) _____ by using _____, which leaves the audience with _____.