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Section 3: Overview


We will read Acts 2 and 3 of Romeo and Juliet and view selected scenes from the Zeffirelli and Luhrmann film adaptations. We will examine how themes introduced in Act 1 are further developed in Acts 2 and 3. We will compare the theme development in the play with the theme development in the film adaptations and evaluate whether the directors’ choices enhance or detract from the themes found in the play.

  • Lesson 1:

    We will draft a claim that evaluates how the film directors’ choices enhance or detract from the themes of Romeo and Juliet. We will rewatch a key scene from the Luhrmann film and attend to specific details. We will use the model claim from the Section 2 Diagnostic to draft our own claim.

  • Lesson 2:

    We will read a summary of Act 2, Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet. We will also read Act 2, Scene 2, the famous balcony scene. We will participate in a jigsaw reading to analyze the figurative language used in the balcony scene.

  • Lesson 3:

    We will finish the jigsaw exercise by sharing our figurative language analyses with our home groups. We will read the remaining lines of Act 2, Scene 2 and complete our Character Note-Taking Tool and Text-Theme Note-Taking Tool for the scene.

  • Lesson 4:

    We will view and analyze Act 2, Scene 2 in the Zeffirelli and Luhrmann film adaptations. We will analyze the directors’ choices in each film and evaluate how those choices enhance or detract from the themes found in the play.

  • Lesson 5:

    We will read Act 2, Scene 3 of Romeo and Juliet and get to know the character Friar Laurence. We will read summaries of Act 2, Scenes 4 and 5 to understand the context for later events in the play, and we will read the entirety of Act 2, Scene 6. We will deepen our understanding of the themes found in the play.

  • Lesson 6:

    We will read Act 3, Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet and examine how it is the turning point of the play.

  • Lesson 7:

    We will write and revise multiparagraph expository responses that demonstrate our understanding of the themes found in Acts 1–3 of Romeo and Juliet and how they are developed.

  • Lesson 8:

    We will revise and edit our draft responses to the Section Diagnostic from the previous lesson.

  • Lesson 9:

    We will review feedback on the Section Diagnostic. We will use the feedback to make revisions to our work.

  • Lesson 10:

    We will share the understanding we have gained through our independent reading and continue to read our texts.