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Lesson 4

We will view and analyze Act 2, Scene 2 in the Zeffirelli and Luhrmann film adaptations. We will analyze the directors’ choices in each film and evaluate how those choices enhance or detract from the themes found in the play.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I recognize and interpret the film techniques and directors’ choices to deepen my understanding of visual texts?

  • Can I use connections among details, elements, and effects to make logical deductions about the purpose and meaning in the film adaptations of Romeo and Juliet?

  • Can I recognize points of connection among the play Romeo and Juliet and the film adaptations to make logical, objective comparisons?



  • Multimedia
    • Romeo + Juliet, Baz Luhrmann, Twentieth Century Fox, 1996
    • Romeo and Juliet, Franco Zeffirelli, Paramount Pictures, 1968



Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: View – Discuss – Write

We will view Act 2, Scene 2 in the Zeffirelli film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet and analyze how the Director’s choices enhance or detract from themes in the play.

Step 1

For homework, you will compose a paragraph that evaluates the effectiveness of each film director’s choices in Act 2, Scene 2 to develop a theme about love. Because you will not be able to rewatch the films for homework, it is important that you pay close attention and take good notes when viewing the films during the lesson.

View Act 2, Scene 2 in Zeffirelli’s film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. As you watch, pay attention to the following director’s choices:

  • setting

  • use of dramatic irony

  • music

  • camera shots

Write down your notes in your Learning Log.

Step 2

Respond to the following questions about the Zeffirelli Adaptation of Act 2, Scene 2 in your Learning Log:

  1. How does the director transform the source material in this scene?

  2. How do the director’s choices enhance or detract from the themes found in the play?

Discuss your responses with a partner. Capture your discussion in the Film-Theme Note-Taking Tool.

Activity 2: View – Discuss – Write

We will view Act 2, Scene 2 in the Luhrmann film adaptation and analyze how the Director’s choices enhance or detract from themes in the play.

Step 1

View Act 2, Scene 2 in the Luhrmann film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. As you watch, pay attention to the following director choices:

  • setting

  • use of dramatic irony

  • music

  • imagery

Write down your notes in your Learning Log.

Step 2

As a class, discuss the following questions about the Luhrmann Adaptation of Act 2, Scene 2:

  1. What change does Luhrmann make to the setting of this scene?

  2. What effect does Luhrmann’s use of dramatic irony have?

  3. What is the significance of the symbol of water in this film? Where have we seen its use before?

  4. How do Luhrmann’s choices enhance or detract from the themes found in the play?

Capture your discussion on the Film-Theme Note-Taking Tool.

Activity 3: Write

For homework, we will compose a paragraph that evaluates the effectiveness of each film Director’s choices in Act 2, Scene 2 to develop a theme about love.

For homework, draft a coherent and concise paragraph that responds to the following questions about the Zeffirelli and Luhrmann Adaptations, Act 2, Scene 2:

  1. How did Zeffirelli's choices in Act 2, Scene 2 enhance or detract from the thematic ideas found in Act 2, Scene 2 in the original play?

  2. How did Luhrmann’s choices in Act 2, Scene 2 enhance or detract from the thematic ideas found in Act 2, Scene 2 in the original play?

Be sure to do the following:

  • Select a specific theme from the play related to love.

  • Explain how the theme is developed in each film through the director’s choices.

  • Use specific details from each film as evidence.

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the choices in developing the theme.

  • Use relevant words you have written down in your Vocabulary Journal

Consider using the model paragraph from the Section 2 Diagnostic as a reference.