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Lesson 6

We will find additional sources and analyze them for relevance, credibility, and bias.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I work productively in various roles with other pathway group members?

  • Can I explore a variety of credible sources to answer pathway inquiry questions using an organized and dynamic process of inquiry?

  • Can I evaluate the relevance and credibility of information, ideas, evidence, and reasoning presented in pathway texts?


There are no texts for this Lesson.



Reference Guides

Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Read – Discuss

We will use the assessing sources reference guide to find additional texts for consideration for use as we increase our understanding of change agents in our pathway.

You will use the Assessing Sources Reference Guide to learn about potential sources you can use to locate additional texts for your research paths.

You are probably aware that not everything published, especially online, is reliable information. It is important to choose your sources of information wisely so you find texts that provide reliable information.

Read pages 7-9 of the Assessing Sources Reference Guide. With your group, discuss if you would prefer to use any of the listed sources or if you would prefer to avoid them altogether. Put a star by the preferred sources and cross out any that the group decides to avoid.

Activity 2: Read – Discuss – Write

We will use the Potential Sources Tool to evaluate additional texts for consideration for use as we increase our understanding of change agents in our pathway.

Work with your research group to find and analyze a new source for your inquiry questions. Use the Potential Sources Tool and Assessing Sources Reference Guide to assist you with your analysis.

If the source is determined to meet the criteria for a viable text, move on to the next activity. If it is not, continue researching until you find a viable source.

Activity 3: Read – Discuss – Write

We will review the source to determine if it helps further our research by addressing our central inquiry question: what are the conditions that caused or allowed change to occur in your pathway?

Consider the source or sources you found and analyzed in this lesson. Review your inquiry questions. Does the source help further your ability to address your inquiry questions? If not, do you need to broaden or narrow your questions?

As a team, make a plan for how you might refine your questions or research process.

Activity 4: Discuss

We will learn a protocol for goal setting and evaluation of progress.

In order to ensure that you succeed on your pathway presentations, it is important to set goals for each lesson. With your research team, review your group norms. In each subsequent lesson, you will ask and respond to the following questions:

  1. What do you need to do to succeed on the Culminating Task?

  2. How will you, specifically, contribute to your group?

  3. How will you know you have met your goals at the end of the lesson?

Begin making a draft plan for the next lesson.